‘The View’ Whoopi Goldberg Repeatedly Hit Bell To Stop Argument

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The View panel gets stuck on a subject that they are continuing to bicker back and forth on. Angrily, Whoopi Goldberg interrupts the cycle by repeatedly hitting the bell to break up her co-hosts’ debate.

The View Panelists Drift Into Rocky Territory

During an episode of The View, a discussion arises about politician Ron DeSantis allegedly wearing high heels. Around the desk sits, Whoopi Goldberg, Sunny Hostin, Ana Navarro, Sara Haines, and Alyssa Farah Griffin. Whoopi Goldberg compares him to the famous Looney Tunes character, Yosemite Sam in short black cowboy boots. In response to the original discussion, the panelists’ subject drifted to men’s height. Within the topic, they address whether height affects men in a career. Although the talk continues, the panelists are starting to get worked up. Then, Sara criticizes their ‘tone’ saying, “Short men aren’t always confident.”

The View Embed YouTube
The View – YouTube

It Isn’t All About Looks

But as The View conversation progresses, Sara Haines says, “My take on this is a little different, we all know it’s coming.” Laughingly, she continues, “Donald Trump is a bully and this is how he talks. Mini Marco, little Mike, pencil neck, sleepy eyes, horse face. It’s always commenting on everyone’s looks. There’s plenty to pick apart about Ron DeSantis, I don’t feel like it’s the right tone to just pick on his height.”

Ron DeSantis YouTube

The View Panelists Get Fiesty

Defensively, Ana Navarro jumps in, “I’m not picking on his height. I’m not picking on his height.” Defending Ana, Sunny Hostin talks over both of The View co-hosts speaking, saying, “But he’s likely lying about his height.” Loudly, Ana continues to push her opinion, “This is a complete self-own by Ron DeSantis who Donald Trump’s words got into his head and he is trying to pretend.”


Is This A Type Of Body Shaming?

At this point, Sara Haines begins shouting over Ana Navarro to have her words heard, saying, “I have a hard time laughing about it because I think there’s so much more substantial stuff.” Noticeably, elevating her voice, Ana speaks over Sara again, “I can laugh about it for days.” Notably, The View audience began laughing as the panelists battled to speak over one another to say their peace. Sara continues “That is not what I’m saying. We talk a lot about body positivity around here all the time and women and not commenting on bodies and why do we have to talk about size? Short men aren’t always confident. Like they struggle.”

Continually Talking Over Each Other

Following, The View co-host, Sunny Hostin, interjects, “Yeah but it’s not about his height.” Reiterating, Sara angrily replies, “Yeah but you said tall men get paid more, we’ve never had a president under 6 feet. It doesn’t mean your height determines your competence.” Then Sunny and Sara look at each other, unable to agree. Jokingly, Sunny motions with her arms out and says, “Are we gonna be stuck with Vladimir Putin at 5 foot 7 taking off his shirt and being on a horse.” Immediately, all the panelists try to speak at the same time. Undeniably, each one feels their opinion needs attention over their co-hosts’ statements. Then Sara remarks, “Vladimir Putin is awful but not because he’s short.”

Whoopi Goldberg - The View - YouTube
Whoopi Goldberg – The View – YouTube

Whoopi Goldberg Breaks The Cycle

Respondently, The View moderator, Whoopi Goldberg leans forward, having had enough of the chaos, she repeatedly hits the bell on her desk to call the co-hosts off of each other. Awakened by the interruption, the co-hosts lean back from their tense state with some laughter and sighs happening all around the table. Meanwhile, the audience cheers, and exhaustedly, Whoopi looks down at her desk. Then Whoopi regroups with the shuffle of papers and shifts the focus on the next topic with no further comments given in rebuttle.

What do you think about the passionate debate between The View panelists? Do you think Whoopi Goldberg’s method of breaking it up was a good way to move past it? Should have she allowed the discussion to continue? Drop your opinion in the comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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