Fans Share Detail Proving Christine Brown Has Not Let Kody Go

Christine Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube

Sister Wives star Christine Brown is adored by TLC fans because she dumped Kody Brown and married David Woolley. However, there are some people who think that she hasn’t let go of her ex. So, they worry about her marriage to her new man. What raised their concerns? Read on to find out.

Sister Wives Christine Brown Keeps On Shading Kody Brown

TLC fans noticed that sometimes, Kody’s former third wife shaded her ex. Especially, it came after an episode where he said something nasty. For example, she shaded him by writing about “karma.” At the time, she and David Wooley enjoyed their honeymoon in Disneyland. On the show, Kody had talked about how he felt that his ex-wife was “feeding flames in a civil war, and I think she’s got some terrible karma coming.”

Christine Brown also shaded Kody by throwing an ex-anniversary party. Recall, he phoned her and she declined to speak with him. According to him, he only phoned to find out if their daughter, Truely was around. While that seemed like the ultimate diss, she also shares other obvious comparison posts on social media about her new life with her new man.

Sister Wives  Christine Brown Can’t Let Kody Go?

After watching the recent scenes of the family celebrating Easter, an OP on Reddit shared their concerns that David Woolley’s wife shaded Kody too much. In the post, they said:

Not that I don’t love and support a good kick in the rear to that deadbeat dad…But I’ve had a weird feeling since Christine moved on that she’s predicating too many decisions in her life on getting a reaction out of Kody or explicitly because Kody didn’t like something… that’s not a very healthy way to approach your next chapter. Youre moved on when your decisions are not about getting a rise out of a former partner… I will say I’m a bit concerned for Christine’s new marriage for the same reason…”


Sister Wives Fans Share Detail Christine Brown Has Not Let Kody Go TLC YouTube
Sister Wives – Christine Brown and Kody – TLC YouTube

Interestingly, those people who left similarly dissatisfactory situations like Christine Brown felt that what she does is actually part of the healing. Many of them just celebrate the freedom of not needing the permission of a toxic partner to do what they want. Meanwhile, others think it’s natural to adjust to the new by comparing it with the old.

TLC Fans Disagree That David’s Wife Can’t Let Go

Most TLC fans think that Christine Brown is on the road to healing, and it won’t hurt her marriage to David Woolley. One of them wrote, “She’s just living her life the way she wants to live it. She no longer has to get sucked into the drama of K and R. I would say that Christine couldn’t care less about whatever Kody and Robin are up to. She’s celebrating Easter with her loved ones and that’s all she’s concerned with.”

Another member of the community shared, “When someone is trapped in an abusive situation for a really long time, it can be extraordinarily healing to address specific past hurts.”

Do you think that Christine Brown deliberately shades Kody Brown because she can’t let go of him? Or, do you agree that it might be part of the healing process to compare the new with the old? Let us know your thoughts in the comments and watch Sister Wives on Sundays on TLC.

James Michael

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