Whitney Thore Out Of Control, Fans Freaking Over Odd Behavior

Whitney Way Thore-YouTube

My Big Fat Fabulous Life star Whitney Way Thore is seemingly out of control. This now has fans freaking out over her odd behavior. It is not the first time and it probably won’t be the last time that she has fans questioning what is going on with her. So, what has them scratching their heads? Read on for more details.

Whitney Thore Out Of Control, Fans Freaking Over Odd Behavior

It is pretty common for followers to question Whitney Way Thore and her interesting behavior. There was a time when she did not wash her hair for nine days. She appeared very proud of this fact but fans started pointing out other odd hygiene facts about the reality star. Her attitude and the ways she speaks and reacts to her friends and family have come up as topics, as well as many other situations. So, what are fans freaking out about this time around?

Whitney Way Thore Credit: YouTube

According to a Reddit thread, the OP questioned if Whitney Way Thore may be manic. They wrote: “There is something off about her. It’s like she’s so much happier since her mother died. She’s a different person. I can’t put my finger on it. Glen seems like a shell of his former self, but WWT seems to be manic almost. It’s really weird.” So, what did fellow Redditors think about this statement, and did they agree? Many have said that Whit has appeared more controlling than usual but the word “manic” has yet to come up.

Whitney Way Thore-Instagram
Whitney Way Thore-Instagram

One person said that she has gone “mad with power.” Another noted that she suddenly sounded fake and even appeared to be mimicking her friends’ heavy accents. Others collectively figured out that she is somehow morphing into Babs, aka the matriarchal figure in the family. Someone added this: “This is her dream come true: Dadwee, all to herself. The rivalry between her and Babs was always suggested and suspected, but now we know it was true. Ick!!!” It was also questioned if maybe she was taking Ozempic and that was causing her odd behavior.

Fast Fix

Since Babs passed away, fans have been confused by Whitney Way Thore and her brother, Hunter. They feel that they are pushing their dad, Glenn to move on faster than he is ready. Then, there is the new sister, Angie. The family video chatted with her but Whit seemed to control the whole conversation. She speaks for her father and never lets him get his own voice out. Is this how she is coping? Maybe.

Have you noticed a drastic shift in Whitney Way Thore this season or is she the same person she has always been? Let us know and watch MBFFL Tuesdays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren


  1. Different topic; but. would someone share where they got the “Photo Pillow” of “Babs” that
    Whitney presented to her Dad at the surprise part she threw for her Dad? Need one for a Sister-in-law who lost her husband?

    Thank you!

    1. Apparently no one has ever heard of grief. Imagine losing your mother, watching your father become distant both her and Hunter worried. Then imagine right before your mother passes you find your dad has another daughter, kids grand kids. They both felt it. Through this season you see Glenn get closer to his other daughter, while being critical of Whitney. She’s always been this way, without her mom she’s lost. She admitted he’s her orbit, she’s clinging onto him because that’s her father. Now through that trip I saw just how unappreciative her father and brother are, they haven’t thought about all the changes, another sister, people telling her she’s mad when shes not. Then glen at first wanted her to be happy because he took the other daughter instead of her, then that daughter gave up a son, everyone knows but Whitney and her brother? That’s shady then he’s moving because his bond with her is more because they share that experience? Please I like glen but he’s been nasty to Whitney all season, it’s like those two kids don’t matter now he has grand kids, another daughter so I’m moving you can deal. I don’t see Whitney as the issue actually, it’s Glen, that’s his daughter to from being accused of looking at him with hateful eyes to all the nasty comments I’ve seen about her, it’s sad. Whitney has her issues but she and her brother are also navigating grief and all this info on his other family. Why can’t people be kind, they didn’t give her a manual on how to handle all this, if it’s so upsetting stop watching, but don’t blame her for her actions this season imo everyone else was more nasty to her I feel bad for her and hope she goes back to nc and speak to those friends who love you, let your father grieve it’s a process and give her a break she’s human, I’ve never seen her father be so cruel to her not even caring how this would make either feel it’s sad.

  2. It seems to me Whitney is struggling greatly with her mom’s passing, and I understand that. Maybe her fear of loosing her dad plays into her current behavior and she is overly anxious to keep him occupied so he doesn’t go off the deep end. She has been way controlling, obtrusive and dominating this season to the point of alienating those close to her. I believe some grief counseling would go along way to help her deal with these issues. She has always been very attached to her parents and not having a significant other to help lean on makes it more magnified. She fears being alone to the point of causing misery to herself and those around her. Or is this the storyline they are fostering this season?

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