‘The View’ Whoopi Goldberg Called Out As Liar?

Whoopi Goldberg [Source: YouTube]

Recently, on the September 14 episode of The View, there was a bit of a jaw-dropping moment. At first, it was business as usual on the show. Until, midsentence, Whoopi Goldberg stopped and threw a shocking question at Alyssa Farah Griffin. She bluntly, out of nowhere, asked if she was pregnant. Although everyone seemed baffled at the time, now people are speculating it may have been a ploy by Whoopi Goldberg to get more views.

Whoopi Goldberg’s Daily Disruption

Often, the conversation on The View can derail a bit into uncharted territory or sometimes even NSFW topics. Take for instance Joy Behar insulting the intelligence of the Kardashian-Jenners family as a whole in one swoop. But asking someone if they are pregnant in front of an audience seems to bring an immediate gasp of surprise. Certainly, Whoopi Goldberg brought a big disruption to the day. Enough so, does anyone even know what Whoopi was talking about beforehand?


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Popping The Wrong Question

While Whoopi Goldberg’s question had a halting effect, the astonished co-host, Alyssa Farah Griffin, attempted to resume the show by answering.

After Whoopi Goldberg’s sudden question, “Are you pregnant?” Alyssa Farah Griffin put a hand on her chest and staggered out the words, “No! Oh my God!”  Following several awkward statements, Alyssa resuscitated the conversation and got the show back on track.

Although a bit embarrassed that this was rolled out with her mother-in-law in the audience, Alyssa Farah Griffin said that she is very open to being pregnant soon. “But, we are not blessed to be pregnant yet. My husband and I are thinking about it,” she shared. Further elaborating, “We’re working on it.” Alyssa and Justin Griffin married one another in 2021.

Why Are People Saying It Was Staged?

In effect, viewers jumped on Reddit and made their opinions known about Whoopi Goldberg’s question. The person kicking it off said, “Whoopi asking if AFG was pregnant was Staged. Come on folks, let’s put 2 and 2 together…. The ‘surprise’ question was planned between all the women and Brian during their Hot Topics meeting. It was meant to be headline-grabbing and make news. Why, for ratings, in this business everything is about ratings, even your local and national news.” Continuing the conversation, “Whoopi is too smart, a GREAT actress and definitely could pull off a head fake like that, and the ladies reaction was all on-point as planned.” Following, someone pointed out, “It was a staged outburst, that worked because we’re still talking about it today.”

Looking at another point of view, “If this was NOT staged then I need to believe that Whoopi had absolutely no respect for AFG to just blurt something out on National Live TV like that, whether AFG is pregnant or not, that is completely unprofessional and disrespectful. I personally don’t believe Whoopi is that oblivious or she’s that unconscious. Was Alyssa not glowing during the HT meeting, why didn’t Whoopi ask the question there?????”

Do you think this is a staged interaction? Or was Whoopi Goldberg neglectful and outright disrespectful to her co-host? What is your take on this situation? Tell us what you think in the comments.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

One Comment

  1. I believe it was GIRL TALK & nobody, especially Whoppi Goldberg was the least bit disrespectful. As far as I’m concerned Whoopi can do no wrong!!!

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