Tom Sandoval Responds To Rachel Leviss’ Recent ‘Block’

Tom Sandoval, Raquel Leviss-YouTube

Vanderpump Rules star Tom Sandoval is responding to his former lover, Rachel Leviss’ recent “block.” She has been working overtime in an attempt to change the narrative about their affair. Recently, he made an attempt to reach out but was met with something he likely did not expect. So, what was his response? Read on for more details.

Tom Sandoval Responds To Rachel Leviss’ Recent ‘Block’

When Tom Sandoval and Rachel Leviss left the Season 10 reunion, they declared that they were in love. Then, she entered a mental health treatment facility for nearly three months. It seemed like Sandoval was meeting new women while he was touring and had disconnected from Rachel. She has since decided to leave the show, seemingly for her mental health, and Season 11 was filmed without her. Rachel also spoke to Bethenny Frankel on her Just B podcast and claimed that she has a no-contact order with the cast. Additionally, she revamped her Instagram.

Raquel Leviss/Pump Rules/YouTube

Rachel Leviss made her social media much more peaceful, deleted all signs of Vanderpump Rules, and unfriended Tom Sandoval. However, her birthday was Tuesday, September 12th so he decided to leave her a quick message, wishing her a great day. “Happy Birthday, Rachel, I really hope ur finding peace and happiness. Miss u friend,” he wrote on her latest reel. Apparently, that did not go over well. Within hours, she not only blocked him but posted in her stories that she had done so. Now, Sandoval is speaking out about being blocked and how it made him feel.

Tom Sandoval/Pump Rules/YouTube
Tom Sandoval-YouTube

According to People, he had this to say about the blocking situation: “Obviously, I think it’s a little immature and petty. To post that you’re blocking seems a bit thirsty.” Some fans who saw his post to Rachel felt the same way about him so why did Sandoval even reach out to her in the first place? “I wanted to just send her some love, let her know that happy birthday, whatever.” He went on to add that he does feel bad for his ex but also senses that she is struggling.


Tom Sandoval returned to Season 11 of Vanderpump Rules and had a lot of problems with the cast. They had unresolved issues with the bar owner after he cheated on Ariana Madix. However, he still appeared to show up and do his job. Now, he is also saying that he feels Rachel Leviss is having a problem with accountability. “I think she’s really struggling with taking accountability for her actions and just wants to point fingers and be mad at everybody else. There were two of us in this situation. We both screwed up,” the 41-year-old noted.

Why do you think Tom Sandoval really messaged Rachel and do you think it was immature how she handled blocking him? Let us now in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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