Fans Rip Whitney Way Thore About Gift She Claims Is From Mom

Whitney Way Thore returns for Season 9 of My Big Fat Fabulous Life on TLC

My Big Fat Fabulous Life star Whitney Way Thore seems to get a lot of trolls at the moment and this week, she got slammed by fans when she claimed her mom gave her the best gift ever. Why are they snarking about something that might mean a lot to the TLC star? Scroll down to find out.

MBFFL Whitney Way Thore Farewelled Her Mom, Babs

TLC viewers know that Babs died after her second stroke, and in Season 11, her funeral plays out. Actually, a lot of hate went the way of Glenn Thore and his daughter for allowing the network to air it. Some of them feel so angry that they attack them as being money-hungry. Some complaints suggest that allegedly they make a profit off Babs, her illness, and her death.

Whitney Way Thore clapped back at her haters, and she roundly told them off for saying horrible things about her dad. After all, he’s an old man and he lost his wife of 46 years. Some people understand that. However, televising the funeral as if she were Queen Elizabeth seemed a bit too tacky for many viewers. Not that everyone hated it. In fact, some people who watched the premiere felt moved and they cried.

Whitney Way Thore Talk About Gifts And Her Inheritance From Her Mom

Taking about her inheritance on Instagram, the TLC star said that her brother, Hunter ended up with his mom’s engagement ring. Apparently, he will use it when he proposes one day. Actually, fans rather like the idea of that. Additionally, she inherited quite a lot of jewelry. Word is that her new-found half-sister won’t be able to claim anything against her mom’s estate.

TLC My Big Fat Fabulous Life MBFFL Reddit Fans Rip Whitney Way Thore Over Her Gift From Mama
Image credit: @whitneywaythore Instagram and Facebook

Whitney Way Thore inherited her mom’s two wedding bands, and recently, she revealed herself wearing them. She told her followers in a Q&A, that she loves “knowing that the same rings my mother wore for decades are on my finger.” There’s not much to troll about with that, but now, after talking about another gift, MBFFL fans ripped into her.

Did The TLC Star Fake Her Gift?

Whitney Way Thore posted a photo of her eyebrows. She said, ‘Also, can we talk about how long my eyelashes are?” Then she added, “One of the best things my mama gave me.”

Soon, it made it to Reddit, and there, fans thought the reality TV star insulted their intelligence. U/Opening_Way9797 wrote on the r/MyBigFatFabulousLife subreddit, “Oh please, we know these are as fake as your hair…”

Here is what some critics said:

I don’t remember her having nice lashes in the beginning of the show 🤔 come on, girlie.

She thinks we’re stupid, blind and can’t just watch previous episodes?

I have extensions and this is exactly how they look from the bottom.

Those might be her natural lashes but they are 100% coated in multiple layers of mascara to lengthen and define them.”


Do you think that Whitney Way Thore really inherited her long eyelashes from her mom? Did you ever notice that she had quite short eyelashes in the past? Do you believe they are fake? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and come back here often for more news about the cast of My Big Fat Fabulous Life on TLC.

James Michael

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