‘Teen Mom’ Ashley Jones Exposes Cheating Husband

Ashley Jones-Instagram

Teen Mom star Ashley Jones is exposing her cheating husband, Bar Smith. It looked like they had parted ways several months back but then reconciled. Now, it is officially over and Ashley is explaining exactly what went wrong. It is not pleasant in any capacity. Read on for more details.

Teen Mom Ashley Jones Exposes Cheating Husband

Ashley Jones has had a rough go with her husband, Bar Smith. Just a year ago, he was arrested which was a huge blow to both of them. Sadly, in December, she revealed that her brother had passed away which broke her and her family’s hearts. Then, she got pregnant which was something she did not seem to want to share when it came out. Unfortunately, as soon as the second pregnancy news made its rounds, it was no longer. This all seemed very tragic, sad, and sudden, a lot to take in for the couple.

Ashley Jones, Bar Smith-Instagram
Ashley Jones, Bar Smith-Instagram

This was in January. Then, in May 2023, Bar Smith made a post sharing that he and Ashley Jones were parting ways. However, he soon deleted it and it looked like the couple was back to normal. Then, his mother went missing and the two of them banded together via social media to help find her. Unfortunately, what goes up must come down and such is the case with Bar and Ashley. According to @tm_chatter, Ashley shared that Bar was cheating, particularly on Mother’s Day. She had a few posts regarding the situation and how it was time for her “to go.”

Teen Mom-Instagram
Teen Mom-Instagram
Teen Mom-Instagram
Teen Mom-Instagram

Followers had immediate reactions to this information that came out on Sunday, August 27th. “And then tomorrows gonna be “wtf are yall talking about I love my man get it straight” 🙄🙄,” one wrote. Another added: “They go back and forth more than Kail pops out kids.” Finally, someone wrote: “The tweet will be deleted soon and she will go back to wearing her wedding ring by next week and telling us to mind our business but yet she’s putting it out there 🤣.”

Is It Over?

Ashley Jones has nothing left of Bar Smith on her social media while he just has one photo. Looks like they have both cleaned house of each other but for how long? As followers have pointed out, they have done this in the past so everyone will just have to wait and see what is next. This could just be a momentary lashing out of anger but time will tell.

Do you think Bar cheated on Ashley over Mother’s Day and more so, do you think it is really over between the two of them? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren
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