‘Teen Mom’ Jenelle Evans’ Son Ran Away From Med Withdrawals?

Jenelle Evans-Facebook

Did Teen Mom alum Jenelle Evans’ son, Jace run away due to medication withdrawals? This very well could be the case if her mother, Barbara has anything to say about it. The teen ran away from school the other day and it seemed unwarranted so now, everyone is looking for an answer. Does medication have anything to do with it? Read on for more details.

Teen Mom Jenelle Evans’ Son Ran Away From Med Withdrawals?

When Jenelle Evans’ son, Jace, 14, ran away and went missing, there was a lot of speculation as to why. She had been openly fighting with her husband, David Eason which had led her to be depressed and such. Therefore, fans who followed this mess believed that was why Jac may have left. He had been living with his grandma and Jenelle’s mother, Barbara until earlier this year. Then, Jenelle got full custody of Jace but was it too much for her to handle? Did it disrupt Jace’s system? Both Jenelle and David made it clear that their marital stuff had nothing to do with Jace leaving.


Now, per TMZ, Barbara is shedding some insight into why Jace may have run away. She believes that the reason he may have run away was due to being taken off of his meds. Jace apparently takes ADHD meds for seven years while seeing a behavior specialist. However, Barbara claims that, upon Jenelle gaining custody, she cut all of this off. So, could this be the case? Jenelle Evans shared, via Instagram, that she had cut her mother off. She further added that Barbara has no problem giving updates when she has no idea what’s really going on.

Barbara Evans-Facebook
Barbara Evans-Facebook

Jenelle also said to not believe anything Barbara has to say and that she will share the truth when the time is right. She also told TMZ directly: “Jace had a therapist appointment today on zoom at 10:30am … she hasn’t even attempted to speak to Jace directly.” It is unknown if he started therapy again after he ran away. Of course, fans had a lot to say about this whole situation especially how Jace was found.

What About Snapchat?

It has been alleged that Jace was found thanks to Snapchat as all social media forums can be extremely powerful resources. Jenelle Evans shared on Instagram that he was not found that way and she would appreciate it if everyone gave him privacy. Fans took to Reddit to share their thoughts on that. The OP wrote: “It feels rather a bit too late for that to me. The poor boys had so much already posted online about him!” Another added: “She’s not doing this for Jace, she’s doing it because she can’t keep track of what’s she saying publicly and what’s out there. It’s still all about her.”

Jenelle Evans-Instagram
Jenelle Evans-Instagram

In the past, Jenelle has said that she was no longer going to post photos of her children. Then, within hours, she had broken that and was back to uploading. So, as earlier pointed out, she does not respect their privacy in any capacity. One person also added that the sheriff’s office said that Jace ran away due to a fight with a teacher. However, Jenelle alleged he did it after she took his phone away. So, where do the lies end and the truth begins? The most important question is who will take care of Jace?

Do you think that Barbara has Jace’s best interest at heart or has it become a war between mother and daughter? More so, where do you think Jace belongs? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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