‘Sister Wives’ Janelle Reveals Robyn Shook Brown Family

Robyn, Janelle Brown-YouTube

Sister Wives star Janelle Brown reveals that fourth wife Robyn Brown shook the plural family. It is no secret that things dramatically changed with the Browns when Robyn entered. Yet, what exactly happened with her entrance that shook them to their core? Read on for more details.

Sister Wives Janelle Reveals Robyn Shook Brown Family

In the last season of Sister Wives, it had been mentioned that Robyn Brown was Kody Brown’s favorite wife. Both his second and third wives, Janelle and Christine Brown noted this. Even in the earlier seasons, his children noticed that he was spending more time with Robyn and her kids. Now, Season 18 is fast approaching and the previews are showcasing the longtime favoritism. Christine even notes that the reason she left Kody was because he had favorites and this is a common theme because no one can seem to live up to her standards.

Christine Brown/YouTube

Now, in a sneak peek from the new season of Sister Wives from ET, Janelle shares the truth about Robyn. She explains that the plural family, which initially had three wives and twelve kids, was never “settled” once Robyn entered the game. Janelle has this to say: “Once Robyn entered the family, there was a shakeup, and I don’t know if things were ever settled again.” The rest of the family has mixed feelings about her entrance and how it impacted them. Former first wife Meri Brown admitted that they were not perfect by any means.

Kody Brown/YouTube

As for Kody, he did not sugarcoat anything: “The first 20 years of our family was pretty dysfunctional. And I think because we wanted to be functional, we had a very different attitude about it.” Of course, Robyn was sobbing over what was going on with the family and how much it had changed since she joined in 2010. She claims that she thought that this family was a safe space for her three kids from a previous marriage. So it seems that this whole family is very confused as to where they stood and when.

A New Chapter

Season 18 of Sister Wives will show the demise of Kody Brown’s marriage to Janelle Brown and Meri Brown. They announced that they were parting ways during the Season 17 tell-all. However, the new season will show how it officially broke down and how the family deals with the fallout. Furthermore, Christine Brown will continue her new independent life in Utah where has found love with David Woolley. No word if their wedding will be televised.

Do you think that Robyn was the straw that broke the camel’s back? Is everyone but Janelle and Christine in denial? Let us know and watch Sister Wives August 20th on TLC.

Amanda Lauren

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