Kaitlyn Bristowe, Jason Tartick, A Second Chance At Love?

Jason Tartick and Kaitlyn Bristowe via INsta 2

Bachelorette Kaitlyn Bristowe and Jason Tartick announced the end of their engagement on Sunday. Their joint statement noted that it is very important to them to remain friends. This is especially helpful because they will be co-parenting their two dogs together. Things ended on a good note and they still love and respect one another. So, is it really over for good? Could Kaitlyn and Jason get a second chance at love? Keep reading to see what Kaitlyn had to say.

Could Kaitlyn Bristowe and Jason Tartick have a second chance at love?

TMZ caught up with Kaitlyn Bristowe at the Los Angeles airport on Monday. She was in Los Angeles to film something for The Golden Bachelor. This trip happened the day after she and Jason Tartick announced the end of their engagement.

The reporter asked Kaitlyn how she was doing to which she responded she was doing okay. She revealed the easiest part of the whole thing is having so much respect and love for one another. Kaitlyn looked good and seemed in good spirits throughout the short interview as she was leaving the airport.

When asked if they just grew out of love, Kaitlyn replied saying she doesn’t even know. She also revealed the decision to end their engagement was mutual. Plus she threw out a tidbit that has fans hoping there could be a reconciliation.

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Jason Tartick via Instagram

She said the door is not permanently closed and that is why there are handles on it. When questioned further on her comment about if there was a chance to get back together, she said we just love and respect each other so much. Then, she brought up sharing Pinot and Ramen. She said they even walk the dogs together. They are still good.

So perhaps in the future, these two could work things out. Time will tell.

Kaitlyn Bristowe via YouTube

What will happen to her ring?

Kaitlyn Bristowe was also questioned about her huge engagement ring. When asked if she was giving it back to Jason, she said that he bought the ring and so it is up to him. She also noted they hadn’t gotten that far into their breakup to discuss the ring.

Both the reporter and Kaitlyn pointed out that Jason is a really good guy so they didn’t foresee him being hateful about the ring.

Kaitlyn also commented saying that her whole outlook on life right now is “you never know.” So, it sounds as though she’s keeping all her options on the table.

Credit: Kaitlyn Bristowe/Instagram
Credit: Kaitlyn Bristowe/Instagram

What do you think about Kaitlyn’s comments?

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Jamie Colclasure

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