Gabby Windey SHOCKS Fans With New Girlfriend

Gabby Windey via Insta 6

Bachelorette Gabby Windey just shocked fans with a HUGE announcement. She appeared on The View Wednesday where she revealed to the world she has a new girlfriend. Keep reading to find out more and see photos.

Gabby Windey just came out on The View and social media

Former Bachelorette Gabby Windey had problems with relationships in the past. It never seemed to work out. Now, it seems she may have discovered why.

On Wednesday, Gabby appeared on The View where she told the hosts that she has been hiding who she’s been dating and is now ready to share the details. Along with sharing a short video and a lot of photos on Instagram, Gabby shared that she had a great experience dating all the men but she wants to live her truth.

When Gabby settled down in Los Angeles she said she had this whisper inside her that just grew and grew. She says her new girlfriend is the best and Gabby was able to get through her shame and realize there is nothing to be ashamed about.

She and Robby Hoffman have been dating for a few months now. Gabby admits it took her some time to trust how she was feeling but now she fully trusts it and is happy. She just wants to be honest and feels like a huge weight is lifted off her shoulders.

Gabby shared that this is the best experience she’s had and it’s a relationship unlike any other she’s experienced.

In her video to fans, she explained she just wants to live honestly and have her fans along for the ride.

Who is Gabby dating?

Gabby Windey is now dating Robby Hoffman. Looking at their Instagram it shows that Robby is a comedian and tv writer. Looking at photos on Robby’s page, fans can see that she has undergone some transformation including top surgery.

As Gabby gets more comfortable with the public knowing her little secret, perhaps she and Robby will reveal more about their life together and how they came to be.

Robby Hoffman via INsta

So far Robby has not said anything publicly about her relationship with Gabby other than resharing a photo Gabby shared and jokingly saying, “guys some news…I am gay.”

In the photos Gabby shared with fans, everyone can see she is clearly happy with her decision. They both look incredibly happy to be with one another.

Stay tuned for more updates on Gabby and Robby as they share them with their fans and supporters.

Jamie Colclasure

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