Sobyn Robyn Brown Memes Quickly Pour In

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube

Sister Wives fans are already making memes of Robyn Brown ahead of the Season 18 premiere.

The first official trailer is out and it definitely does not paint Robyn in a good light. Fans have had issues with the fourth wife for years. But her behavior in Season 18 looks like it’s going to reach a new level.

All the wives have left, leaving Kody and Robyn Brown alone together. And she isn’t taking the news well at all.

Keep reading to see what Sister Wives fans have to say online.

Redditors find Robyn Brown’s crying face very meme-able

Once Sister Wives fans saw the new trailer, many realized how often Robyn Brown really does cry on camera. Based on the clips chosen for the trailer, some fans couldn’t help but wonder if the production team put it together like that on purpose.

There are so many clips of Robyn crying that some viewers felt inspired to make new memes to pass around.

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

In fact, there’s an entire Reddit thread dedicated to a “Sobyn Robyn Brown” meme now.

The main photo on the page features a screenshot from the trailer of Robyn in tears. Someone wrote, “I wanted to be the favorite wife, not the only wife” across the image.

Robyn Brown meme from PsychologySpirited59 on Reddit

Naturally, other Sister Wives viewers found it hilarious. Several left comments and a few added some memes of their own.

“If you’re old enough you remember your mama warned you about your bad face freezing that way🤷🏻‍♀️” one Redditor joked in the comments. “Truth be told I do think she wanted to be the only wife. She never let her sister wives help with her kids. She needed it, but got a Nanny or her sister or niece instead.”

Guess she overdid it on the manipulation tactics. Should’ve reeled it in a little bit,” another added.

Robyn Brown Meme

Sister Wives fans want the family to confront Kody’s fourth wife

It appears that there will be several family confrontations and arguments in Season 18. But will anyone ever stand up to Robyn? After 18 seasons, fans have really grown tired of her manipulative ways. In another Reddit thread, fans expressed their desire to see the family confront her.

“I’m excited about the new trailer but I can’t continue to watch season after season of this show while they tiptoe around the real issues,” one Reddit user shared online. “We need a confrontation between Robyn and the wives. They need to acknowledge the role she has played in the downfall of their marriages and wider family. Every season it’s only hinted at and Robyn is always shielded from criticism, it’s like she is never called out and the blame is only placed on Kody.”

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC Sourced from YouTube
Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC
Sourced from YouTube

Many other Redditors agreed. The family dynamic can’t continue like this and something needs to quickly change.

What do you think about the “Sobyn Robyn Brown” memes? Will you tune into Sister Wives Season 18 to see how she really behaves? Share what you think in the comments.

Follow TV Shows Ace online for the latest reality television news. Catch the Sister Wives season premiere at 10 PM eastern time on Sunday, August 20 on TLC.

Nikole Behrens
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