‘Mama June’: Pumpkin Struggles With Parenting & Reconciliation


In the latest episode of Mama June: Family Crisis, Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird is really struggling. She has a few things that she is up against. This includes parenting a headstrong teenager and her mother’s constant push for reconciliation. So, how is she navigating both of these hot topics? Read on for more details.

Mama June: Pumpkin Struggles With Parenting & Reconciliation

Pumpkin and her sisters, Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo‘ Thompson and Jessica ‘Chubbs’ Shannon have no desire to deal with Mama June. They feel she is selfish and Pumpkin still cannot get over June being ready to let Alana go without paying a dime. She was blown away that June fought over paying child support. Then, she got away with just $800/month. Alana is a demanding teenager who wants her lashes and nails done plus a car and has senior activities. Additionally, June upped and moved to Alabama with her husband, Justin Stroud, and allegedly did not tell the girls so there is that frustration.

Mama June/YouTube
[Mama June-YouTube]
Now, Mama June is getting married (again) and she wants the girls to be a part of it, even telling Justin’s family they will be involved. This is a lie. They denied her calls, leading her to crash the meet and greet Alana and her siblings organized. Pumpkin blew up at June and let her know exactly why she was mad at her. She noted all of the things that she had done wrong. In a clip for Friday, June 16th’s episode from Hollywood Life, Pumpkin does not know what to do. She’s getting sass from Alana after trying to get her to take college more seriously.

Honey Boo Boo/YouTube
Since Alana is a senior, it is time she puts in the applications. More so, there was a college fair that Pumpkin had asked her to attend in the previous episode. She wants her to do better than she and Josh did with more opportunities. Aunt Doe Doe is over so Pumpkin is venting her frustrations to her. Mama June was practically raised by her sister and that changed their relationship. In many ways, Pumpkin just wants to be Alana’s big sister, not her mother.

Making Amends With June?

Obviously, Mama June is desperate to make amends with her kids but Pumpkin is not sure about this. Doe Doe has told June her feelings on it all. She explained that the kids can do what and feel however they want and rightfully so. Yet, she does ask Pumpkin what the future holds when mending fences with her mother. To that, Pumpkin says: “Honestly, if she’s got that attitude of ‘I’m your mom. You know, y’all got to get over the past.’ No, I’m not reconciling sh*t.”

How do you think the family gets back to a place where the girls did end up attending Mama June’s vow renewal? Were they right in doing so or was it all for show? Let us know in the comments and watch Mama June: Family Crisis Fridays on WeTV.


Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. This is a factured family, for sure.June, is really gonna have to step up to the plate, and do right. But, being pissed off, and angry, isn’t the way to go. I hope they all continue with therapy, because they are gonna need it. Pumpkin, did a wonderful job, stepping in and taking care of Alaina. It’s still a lot for a young lady to be saddled with, considering she has her family to take care of. In spite of all the nonsense, June put them thru, all the girl’s turned out good. This family has a long road of revory in front of them, and it will take time, for sure.

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