Kroy Biermann Loses Expensive Toy & Gets Sued Amid Divorce

Kroy Biermann and Kim Zolciak / YouTube

Things are not going well for Kroy Biermann as has lost a prized toy and ended up being sued amid his divorce from Kim Zolciak. Kroy has reportedly been struggling to pay bills and make ends meet as he continues to fight his estranged wife for control of their finances.

Here is a look at what Kroy just lost and why he blames Kim.

Kroy Biermann faces new lawsuit amidst divorce

One of the biggest complaints from Kroy Biermann toward his estranged wife Kim Zolciak is that she has a gambling addiction. He claims she is spending more money than they can afford on online gambling and on her frequent casino trips. This has caused the couple to suffer from severe financial issues and that has just reared its head at Kroy.

Kroy Biermann and Kim Zolciak / YouTube

BMW Financial Services has just filed a lawsuit against Kroy for not paying on his 2020 Rolls-Royce Cullinan lease payment since last year. Court documents (via TMZ) reveal that Kroy hasn’t made a payment on the BMW since September 2022. The payments for the car were supposed to be $5,297.64 a month from July 2020 through July 2023. When he quit making payments, BMW asked for him to return the car and he reportedly ignored their requests.

As a result, BMW has filed the lawsuit asking for a “writ of possession,” meaning they want Kroy to return their car. They are also asking for the money that he has not paid them since he quit making payments. The Rolls-Royce Cullinan is a $400,100 luxury SUV. More so, the agreement was just a lease for the car, meaning Kroy never owned it. Now, he faces serious legal problems as he has yet to return the vehicle to the company.

Kroy Biermann claims Kim Zolciak is to blame

This comes on the heels of Kroy’s messy divorce from Kim, in which he claims that her online and casino gambling addiction has cost them countless money. In the same TMZ report, Kroy’s attorney, Marlys Bergstrom said that her client never thought he would end up in this situation. “Kroy retired and no longer receives that NFL salary… I don’t think anyone told Kim,” Bergstrom said.

Kroy played for the Atlanta Falcons in the NFL. Over eight seasons, he made $14.1 million before taxes, agent fees, and other deductions. His last contract came in 2016 when he signed a one-year deal with the Buffalo Bills for $885K. However, he has been out of the NFL for seven years and it looks like his money has dried up.

Kim Zolciak / YouTube

“When it comes to finances, Kim is detached from reality; every month Kroy has to scratch enough money together to pay the mortgage to save the home from going into foreclosure,” his attorney said. He said they are getting collection notices and now lawsuits. Meanwhile, Kim reportedly keeps spending money on “online gambling, wine” and other things that are not necessities. Now, Kroy has lost his car.

What are your thoughts on Kroy Biermann and Kim Zolciak’s continued financial problems? Is this just the start of the estranged couple losing everything? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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