Fans Want Teresa Giudice OUT As Melissa Firing Circulates

RHONJ fans seem to want Teresa Giudice fired as rumors spread that her SIL, Melissa Gorga is on the chopping block. Recently, it came out that there was a possibility that Melissa would not be back for Season 14. However, if fans have it their way, it would be Teresa out. So, what do they have to say? Read on for more details.
Fans Want Teresa Giudice OUT As Melissa Firing Circulates
Melissa Gorga had an easy into RHONJ as she is Teresa Giudice’s sister-in-law. With Teresa being an early fan favorite, she was also all about the importance of family. That was why it made sense for Melissa to become a full-time housewife in Season 3. However, she and Teresa often butted heads as did their husbands over respect and the lack thereof. The men tended to get physical at the most inopportune times while Teresa felt her SIL had taken her brother, Joe away from her. There was a lot of conflict and it worked for a time.

![Melissa Gorga, Joe Gorga [Credit: Instagram]](
Fans Think Teresa Is ‘Vile’
It did not stop there. Fans went on to say this about Teresa Giudice: “They need to keep her and get rid of Teresa. She is a vile nasty person, and they shouldn’t be shown on TV. Don’t we have enough violence in real life to be showing a bunch of rich people who don’t know how to act like humans and can’t even be kind to each other especially Teresa?” Yes, fans have grown tired of Teresa and the Gorgas constantly using each other for a storyline. Yet, they would much rather have Melissa around along with Joe, who is riot than Teresa who is just cruel.
Do you think it is time for Teresa Giudice to exit the show? Let us know your thoughts and watch RHONJ Tuesdays on Bravo.
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I will Never understand why they brought Teresa back! She is so EVIL ITS ALL ABOUT HER… She is trying to ruin the lives of her family. GET HER GONE GIRL….
You are all delusional!!! Do you not see the things that Melissa and Joe are doing? They throw the rock and hide the hand. They owe EVERYBODY and even lied about how they got on the show. They are professional liars and very manipulative. Teresa has her faults but these two take things to a new LOW. They are ALWAYS the victims! You must be as self-absorbed as the Gorgas, I understand.
you must be crazy or a friend of “Tre”. She is TRULY awful.
If it wasn’t for T hating Melissa and being a con, she wouldn’t have a story line. She twists everything, blames Joe G for everything and is just plain evil. FIRE TERESA.
Yup! Yup! Yup!
Bravo only keeps Teresa because she’s a
Girl can’t even put a sentence together but says she
Melissa is her punching bag just to keep herself alive in the show
F-A-C-T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don’t know where you get your facts hunny! Those Gorga’s are straight up LIARS. They lie so good, all you Gorgas lovers believe them! You fell for the lies of the master manipulators.
Have you seen Melissa flip a table? Have you ever seen her trash a restaurant? Teresa has!!! Have you ever heard Melissa tell LIES on Teresa? Have you ever seen Melissa knock Andy Cohen down? Teresa did! Teresa has told many lies on Melissa. She has tried many times to destroy her brothers marriage. You are defending a BULLY who is a vile and violent woman. If you haven’t seen these things about Teresa you are either blind our mentally challenged.
Well said
Melissa wants to flip a table so bad! She was looking for an iconic moment at the reunion but it didn’t happen. Question: Did you hear Melissa tell Tre she loved her at the end of the reunion and almost did a fake cry? I know none of you Gorga lovers believe that coming out of Melissa’s mouth. She had a fleeting thought of what life would be without that Bravo check so buttering up to Tre!
What? Teresa has been evil since season one
Agree 💯%!!
You are right. She should have been fired when she went to jail.
I agree going to jail doesn’t speak of luxury or anything we are looking for on TV. I also think bravo should give Melissa and Joe a chance without Teresa on the show. As for Louie he clearly is looking for fame and using Teresa and her beautiful girls to gain it.
Give them some time; Teresa will find another group to BULLY!
Joe should have went to jail when he raped a young lady and showing continuous aggressive behavior on the show. HE ALWAYS WANTS TO FIGHT. MELISSA CALLS EVERYONE A LOSER. The Gorgas should have been fired when they weren’t paying their bills and continue to put false narratives online with his business and their life in general. THE LIES!!
Fire Teresa! Show will be fine without her. It’s too toxic because of her to the point it’s difficult to watch. She’s over!
I have never seen such a narcissistic woman. Teresa is a bully who intimidates cast members. Violence should NEVER be tolerated and if they keep her it sends a message that BRAVO condones violence!!
Well said
Teresa is a horrible human being and never takes accountability for her actions. She is vulgar, violent and downright mean. I have been watching RHONJ from inception and have seen all her actions through the years and if Teresa is NOT fired, I will not longer watch. And on a side note, Dolores needs to look up loyalty in the dictionary, I am from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn (and you don’t get more loyal than a Brooklyn girl) .. I have had the same friends for over 40 years .. during these years of friendships we all have been very honest with each other, when we feel someone is wrong we tell them, we do not agree with everything each other does, we express how we feel and keep it moving, in other words DOLORES, YOU CAN DISGREE WITH YOUR VILE FRIEND TERESA and if this causes the demise of your friendship than you were never friends to begin with. Again Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice is a disgusting human being and should be FIRED.
Very well said
I couldn’t have said it better. Theresa takes 0 accountability. She doesn’t have “Friends” but surrounds herself with weak people who will do her evil bidding (AKA Jennifer A) Look at the past seasons and how many ex-friends she has. Don’t get me started on the Sociopath husband of hers. I almost feel sorry for her…almost.
Watching the reunion.. Dolores what does you better sleep with one eye open to Melissa, of course, I know what that means but how stupid are you to say that.. who the f is afraid of Jacqlyn or the Manzos .. we all have connections .. you sound like a moron .. and for you and your Eddie Muenster friend any time you want to come to Brooklyn let me know and take that idiot Jennifer with you .. I’ll give you my address, so we can test how tough you really are .. just me, no friends .. you should consider keeping your mouth shut cause you sound like an A__ ..
Teresa should go! She doesn’t treat her own family well and doesn’t play well with others either.
I agree. Her husband is two faced and also quite a liar himself. Her daughters are very disrespectful which shows that the were not brought up very mannerly. She is disgusting and I agree she is totally out for herself. SHE NEEDS TO GO!!!
Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice, Fire Eddie Muenster a/k/a Teresa Giudice …….. PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE !!
Ally, is that a cry for help?
A new reality show “KEEPING UP WITH THE GORGAS” !! Team Melissa and Joe ATW!!!
What’s weird is she is a horrible person!! You have to admit it’s over the top. I’M tired of screaming at the TV. Lol. I have always Loved Joe&Melissa!! Theresa is a stupid person and a Bully to boot. She hasn’t ever been bout family! and now her kids are starting to be just like her!! they’re not going to survive talking shit bout others!! Its just not!! KEEP MELISSA AND JOE!! She needs to be told soon!! She needs to have a wake up. I’d tell her what we all think bout her!! She needs to know!! Shes never going to change!! Ever!! So whatcha waiting for….Bye bye
It’s time for Teresa to move on. She’s super unkind, not real bright, and a big time liar.
Bravo, you can do better than this.
You are delusional!!! Do you not see the things that Melissa and Joe are doing? They throw the rock and hide the hand. They owe EVERYBODY and even lied about how they got on the show. They are ALWAAYS the victims! You must be as self-absorbed as the Gorgas, I understand.
I agree
Melissa n joe are the worst actors in the bloody world hun they are liars,cheats and scammers
First of all it’s a reality show
And you are a liar
Back up your criticism of Joe and Melissa’s behavior
We’ve all witnessed Teresa’s and her crew’s behavior
She’s created four monsters her daughters
They cannot be compared to Antonia
It was Andy Cihen’s decision to hire Joe and Melissa
I don’t understand how bravo is even thinking of getting rid of Melissa and Joe, when the one that has to go is that horrible human being of Teresa!! I’ve been watching the housewife of Jersey since day one and Teresa was a piece of work since day one! You would think after all these years and getting locked up and losing her mother while she was in jail she would be a humble and kinder person after coming home but I guess not. She still is the same violent and bully person since day one and it’s a sad watching her daughters becoming just like her and the snake of that husband of hers, oh I have to say is Good luck with that one. And bravo if you get rid of Malissa and Joe, I will definitely stop watching the housewives of Jersey!!
Yes PEASE for the love of God get rid of Teresa!!! I can’t watch her toxic behavior anymore! I don’t understand why bravo tolerates her behavior!! It’s so sick to watch! Bye Teresa!!!!
Get rid of Teresa & Jennifer. They are nasty liars.
YES. Jennifer is an ugly pig with horrible ugly kids anda husband who clearly hates her. she is Teresa’s puppet and will do anything or say anything Teresa tells her to. FIRE JEN and Teresa
Lol, this article is so one-sided for the Melissa fans. For each Melissa fan there is a Teresa fan. They’re equally as bad. If anyone should go it should be Marge.
Not true.. I haven’t seen one poll or comment section that ever shows even support. It’s consistently greater for Melissa.
I stopped watching after Teresa was convicted. If you didn’t realise that family was trash then, I feel sorry for you!
Get rid of the Gorgas there nothing but liars Teresa has always been the show all these years.
I used to like Teresa. I’m Italian and can relate to their upbringing. However, the amount of cruelty and bullying she brings to the show is disgusting. She can’t get along with anyone unless they are a doormat and just agrees with her. I have a brother, also named Joe, and he is the last person on earth I would ever hurt. What she has done to Joe and Melissa over the years is heartbreaking 💔. Please do not fire Melissa and Joe. They deserve to be on the show.
FIRE Teresa , this lady has the devil in her . If you ask me Teresa is the rat.
For the Love of GOD, get rid of Teresa and Jen Aydin!!! Keep the Gorga’s, and bring back Kathi, Jackie, and Caroline!!!
I don’t believe Teresa is Evil or vile – honestly I’m sure people wear blinkers when they watch this show. Joe and Melissa are definitely professional victims – always someone elses fault. Margaret has got an arsenal on everyone – she acts innocent, but has enough to bring down everyone of them. I have always felt that Joe Gorga had something to do with the demise of Joe Guidice but I am only a viewer from the other side of the world, so what do I know! I think Bravo know what they are doing when they introduce new players and boy do they play up to it all. Lots of tittle tattling and innocent big eyes and I only speak my truth. Well I guess they really don’t know when to keep their mouths shut and that friendship is only as much as Bravo pays them. Keep Teresa, she has really evolved from the beginning and her girls are all beautiful smart young woman – someone said they were disrespectful! They have grown into very respectful young woman and lets face it people RESPECT IS EARNED it is not a given and it is also a two way street. Show it and you get it in return – Joe and Melissa certainly don’t show it!
What? It’s Teresa
Its not Tre, just a viewer like me who sees straight through the Gorga BS. I’m beginning to feel that the people that love the Gorga’s have their same immoral tendencies…
I agree!!
Teresa is evil, mean, and a liar. Its everyone else’s fault never hers! Until she’s off the show last week is the last time I waste my time! everyone attacks Melissa and Joe but anyone with a half of brain would know its not them!
talk about bullying!
Well let’s start with the biggest RAT of all Luis from the start trouble, he is the one this time calling the shots, tre will listen to anything he says, what guy gets involved with the women, I think we r going to see his true colors, enough about that loser, I am all for the Gorgas, what sister-in-law does not ask her brothers wife not to stand up to her wedding, to start trouble that’s who, l am happy the way Melissa is handing this but really she is hurting in side, the phone call from thr RAT, tells us everything about them both. Go Team Gorga.
Get rid od Theresa and her husband. she’s unforgiving and her husband is in the woman’s business way to much.
Yeap He’s a bitch boy
Teresa and Luis are both delirious. Absolutely delirious.
get rid of Theresa and louie. louie is a two faced trouble maker while pretending to be so zen. he will make sure theresa and her brother stay apart. keep melissa and joe. theresa adds nothing to the show. get rid of danielle too.
Fire Teresa! I don’t understand why Bravo or Andy Cohen has put up with her for so long. She’s not entertaining. She brings stress to a show that’s supposed to provide a fun outlet for its audience. Her jealousy, deceptions, passive aggressiveness, her playing dumb or actually being dumb and not seeing her own cruelty is just exhausting. I don’t see a reason as to why there’s even a question between keeping Melissa Gorga or firing Teresa. There’s no comparison between Melissa Gorga & Teresa. Melissa is upbeat, fun, light, respectable, not an embarrassment to NJ. Teresa did not get out of prison an improved person. There’s plenty of room for both Teresa & Melissa on the show, but Teresa’s insecurities, hatred & cruel lies against Melissa & Joe have made it arduous and grueling just to get through Teresa’s segments of the show. Teresa doesn’t want to bring the girls together for a good show. She only brings divisiveness and hostility to the group and continuously tries to break up her own brother and Melissa. She’s despicable and it comes across as desperate. Bravo needs to tell Teresa to get herself together, get real counseling and learn what a true friend and sister is or fire her!!
Teresa is a vile human & a crook. She is as ugly on the inside a she is on the outside. Her new hubby is also vile & they deserve each other. Melissa & Joe are fun & bring light-hearted entertainment to the show. Margaret is a barrel of intelligent laughs (which goes over Teresa’s IQ every time). I started watching these shows to see rich women have fun. They need to bring that back. Teresa & Jennifer need to go to give us a good show back.
You are so right!! Teresa’s a narcissist and she needs to go!!
I’ve just started watching RHONJ and am only up to series 4. Teresa was a dumb self obsessed narcissist back then so how she has ever been a fan favorite let alone still has a job 13 years on is beyond me. Clearly the fans love a dumb self obsessed narcissist
You must have skipped season 3 to see the Gorgas as their true selves. You must love people with no accountability, constant victim mentality, LIARS, and mess makers. I could say worse of the Gorga’s….
Please Andy, get rid of Teresa. It is past time. I have fast forwarded her solo scenes for years but can’t avoid her in the group scenes. She is a narcissistic, venomous woman and is now a dinosaur from the pre-covid era. The negativity both she and her husband bring to the show is not something I want to see. The snake has been milked enough, please release it.
Get rid of Teresa and her evil husband. She has t learned anything from her past. This relationship is domed, she really is quite ignorant and basically a very mean bully. Get rid of Jennifer Ayden too. Even her husband hates her. She is such a bitch. Let’s get some fun and humor back instead of all the bs it’s gotten very old
Get rid of Teresa, she is a hypocritical, disgusting bully, her daughters are spoilt, disrespectful brats who have zero respect for anyone, and her side kick Jennifer never has any storyline because she’s always got her head up Teresa’s backside! Oh, and if they weren’t enough reasons there’s also the fact that if she stays we’ll have to see more of her creepy, husband Louis who makes me want to vomit every time he comes on the TV – after admitting he wears Teresa’s dead father’s pyjamas at night to make her daughters “feel safe and loving”!
I like Joe and Melissa, but there is not one Housewife that I would defend in a situation if I thought they were wrong, and I know that Joe and Melissa aren’t perfect and have contributed to the feud with Teresa. With that said…I have been watching from the beginning and have seen that Teresa over the season has had feuds with more cast members than anyone else. Then you come to Joe and Melissa, who Teresa didn’t want on the show because she wanted it all to herself. It was obvious they had issues before the show, and it wasn’t just caused b/c of the show, but her behavior towards Melissa, and trying to end their marriage, has gone above and beyond typical hospital catty drama. She said that Melissa took her brother away from her. I get being close to your sibling and loving them, but her obsession with her brother goes a little to far, almost to the weird, uncomfortable zone. I love my brother but by no means do I think that my relationship with him is anywhere more important than with his wife and kids. Teresa doesn’t seem to get that once you grow up and create your own family, that family takes priority over the one you born into. Joe should never have been put into a situation where his sister was feuding with his wife for his attention…that’s just odd. It’s how you would feel about a woman your ex-husband/boyfriend started dating, not how you would feel about your brother’s wife. But Teresa has been relentless season after season trying to spread rumors about Melissa. And even if anything turned out to be true (which I don’t believe), Joe has decided to stay with Melissa, and that is all anyone needs to know. Teresa needs to stop. She is relentless. I really hope that Andy and Bravo realize that fans have had enough. I would like Joe and Melissa to stay, but I would rather them go if it meant Teresa went too…that is how much I want her off. She has said she is an OG, started the show, she can’t be fired. I know Andy hates when Housewives get to that point where they think they are untouchable and can do and say whatever they want with no consequences with the network. Even on the first part of the reunion this year he seems to have taken off the kids gloves with her and is telling her straight out, or making really readible faces, when she is wrong, lying, or being unreasonable. I think Andy has had enough of her.
I predict Teresa’s latest marriage won’t last. I’ve seen Louis manipulating her while cameras were on. She traded one ass for another and I think he’s capable of being underhanded and if gaslighting people. Fire her, please. Tired of her antics. Bring back other old cast mates and keep Melissa and Joe. They’re entertaining.
Fire Teresa! She is a narcissist who takes ZERO accountability for her actions. If you’ve actually watched this show from the beginning, this woman personally tried to ruin her brothers relationship with his parents and his wife. She has some delusion that her brother has betrayed HER because he loves his wife, Melissa, more than her. And continually trying to lie about Melissa and start cheating rumors over and over?!? That is very sick and a level of jealousy that needs a great deal of therapy. You are only a good person in Teresa’s eyes if you remain loyal to Teresa and love her the most. This is a sick mentality. And she’s raised her 4 daughters to think the same. Gia – my God.
If none of this resonates, the simple fact that Teresa is blame others including Caroline Manzo, Melissa and Joe Gorga as the real reason she and her ex Joe went to prison… Really? They were indicted on almost 40 counts of federal crimes and the fault is of those she thinks turned them in? That is a true evil narcissist right there. She deserves to be fired on the spot and should have been axed when she committed the crimes to begin with.
If you are FOR Teresa you must either be as nuts and stupid as she is, or she paid you to comment. Ugh. She is a dog dropping on her best day!! I loathe that woman. Are we watching the same show???
I have never in my life seen a more hypocritical, back stabber who has double standards. You cannot get her to see reason. Even once she admits to fault, and you FINALLY think she’s understanding something any rational person would, she brings up the same moronic way of thinking she had from jump!! It is frustrating in the beginning to watch but I literally want to punch a wall or something after listening to get on repeat for an entire season about something a toddler world understand but just does not compute in her screwed up brain!! She is so incredibly jealous of Melissa, you’d have to be blind but to see it! She makes me sick. So does Jen for that matter. Do Joe and Melissa do stupid shit too? Once in awhile, yes. It’s it’s of so much left up pain and frustration though. Teresa is just an ugly person, town to the core. Self absorbed, brain dead, and now antiquated. So over her, she’s a disgrace. She feeds her daughters the lies and they gobble them up, but other than that they are lovely young ladies. And no one is firing the Gorgas, anyway. But glad I got to vent about that ghastly woman, thank you!!
I truly believe you loathe yourself. You come across as the stupid one and I’m not telling a Gorga lie either. Calm down hunny.
I truly believe you loathe yourself. You come across as the stupid one and I’m not telling a Gorga lie either. Calm down hunny.