‘Sister Wives’ Who Paid For Christine Brown’s Huge New Home?

Christine Brown/Sister Wives/Instagram

Who paid for Sister Wives star Christine Brown’s huge new home? When she first moved to Utah, her daughters had scouted out a cute little place for her. This was just what she needed to start over after leaving Kody Brown and her plural family. Plus, it was just Christine and her youngest daughter, Truely at this point. Now, it appears that she has seriously upgraded but who paid for it? Was it Christine or someone else? Read on for more details.

Who Paid For Christine Brown’s Huge New Home?

When Christine Brown left Flagstaff for Utah, she kept the earnings from home when she sold it. Though her ex-husband, Kody was not thrilled, she did not seem to care. In his mind, the money from the sale of Christine’s home should go into the family fund and help pay off Coyote Pass. His justification was that they used family money to help with the down payment on the house. However Christine Brown was the one whose name was on the home and she made the monthly mortgage payments. Plus, she turned over her CP lot so, even in her sister wife, Janelle’s mind, it was fair.

Coyote Pass/Sister Wives/YouTube
[Coyote Pass lots-Credit: YouTube]
Now, Christine is newly engaged to David Woolley, and with that has come a brand new home. It makes sense as the couple would want plenty of room given that David and Christine both have quite large families. According to @withoutacrystalball, the couple had been cohabitating but not in Christine’s home. They had been living at David’s home which was purchased in March 2022. Per records, he was the only person listed on all of the paperwork and was noted as a single man. Now, the two have officially taken the leap to buy a home together though they had been living in his home prior to this purchase.

Christine Brown. David Woolley/Sister Wives/Instagram
[Christine, David-Credit: Instagram]
The home was bought last month, almost one month prior to their engagement announcement. This new home will be in Lehi, Utah where Christine Brown’s Sister Wives journey first began. As many fans may recall, the plural family lived in one home in Lehi so it will be interesting to see her creating new memories to erase the bad. A final detail is that the money she walked away with from her Flagstaff home pretty much covers the down payment for the new one.

So, Who Really Paid?

Since Christine Brown has been renting when she moved to Utah, she may have been able to pay for that from her business income. Therefore, if she put the money aside from her Flagstaff home, she could have used it for the down payment. This would make sense if they are waiting for David Woolley’s home to sell. Then, he can use that money for renovations and mortgage payments. Of course, Kody will try to say that Christine found a man who is feeding off of her if she paid the down payment. Yet, David actually owned his home while Kody still cannot pay off Coyote Pass.

Do you think Christine and David made the right decision to buy a home together? Or, should they have waited a little longer until the engagement set in? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren


  1. I think it’s sad that Christine is so insecure that she’s jumping into this relationship with blinders on. I can understand the need for intimacy and companionship, but personally I think she needs to slow down.

    But, this is only my opinion. So whatever she chooses, I hope it works out and she is happy. I wish her the best (and Kody is a creep, so don’t even give him a second thought).

    1. 100% agree with you Diana. She jumped in too fast. Its ok to try and find love…but she needs to find herself too. I know she was “alone” alot of the time when she was with Kody but to be truly alone is a different thing. Her and David seem happy and I really do wish the best for her. Just wish she would slow down to build herself up more first.

  2. Her business! Why should anyone care, she had lived years is a miserable, so called marriage, Kody doing what he wanted with who he wanted!!! Make all the comments you want but when you walk a mile in her shoes then you judge. Who are any of you to tell her who to love, when is the time to love someone, and what to do with money she earns from real estate…maybe she made great decisions and it worked for her. CP has turned into a nightmare and not one of the 5 of them could agree on that! Leave her alone and let her be happy 😊

  3. Kim I agree with you. It’s her business and her’s and David’s alone. I am glad she got away from Kody and Robin. I am even happier she has moved on and is happy. I wish her the best.

  4. I wish the happy couple all the best. She was unhappy for so long and knew what she needed and wanted in a relationship. Hopefully, she has found it.

  5. I think she’s rushing into something that feels good but she should wait and not rush it. For her she’s felt single for a long time but this is her first relationship outside of being “married” to kody. I wonder if anyone has said this to her, like kids wise? I hope he isn’t taking advantage of her and he is a genuinely nice guy

  6. For those commenting it is only Christine’s business -that is illogical given you are reading an article all about someone else’s business and presumably watched a television show all about other people’s business and whilst watching formed opinions about what you were watching.

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