‘SW’: Where Does Robyn Brown’s Accent Come From?

Fans have long mocked the way Robyn Brown says certain words. It has almost become comical and a running joke. Now, many viewers are starting to question just where her particular accent comes from. It is quite tricky to pinpoint. Any guesses? Read on for more details.
SW: Where Does Robyn Brown’s Accent Come From?
Robyn says her words in such a way that has led the mother of five to be mocked. Granted, Kody and all of his wives have particular sayings that sound odd. Yet, Robyn is the one who no one can quite figure out just where her accent comes from. She lived in Southern Utah when Kody first was courting her. Was it the way that she was raised? Did her parents have interesting inflections in their voices? A Reddit thread has been started to address this.
“Robyn sounds the least well spoken. She exaggerates words like where the ns are dropped. Like mountain just becomes moun’n. Then I would say Meri and at the top of the well spoken tree I’d say Janelle and Christine. They seem like middle class and Robyn definitely working class. Would that be right? Kody I just don’t know?” it started. That was followed up by someone stating that it was because Robyn is from Utah combined with slight idiot blended in.
Furthermore, another fan noted their biggest Brown pet peeve: “Kody and Robyn both say “pitcher” instead of “picture.” Makes me crazy.” There was also the idea that she was the least educated of the bunch. Some may remember Meri was trying to study in the series premiere while both Janelle and Christine attended real estate school.
More From The Accent
Similarly, another Reddit thread was started to address the way that Robyn Brown speaks. “Where is Robyn’s accent supposed to be from? And why is she the only one that has it?” the other thread started. Fans there just seemed to mock Robyn. More so, they called her lazy. However, the notion that it was a Utah thing was brought up once again. Even a reference to The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City came up as a Redditor alleged they spoke the same.

However, someone did question if it was a Mormon thing which is entirely possible. As it stands, no one can truly confirm why or how Robyn got this accent of hers. It appears the only thing that can be confirmed is that fans cannot stand the way she speaks but they do love making fun of her on a weekly basis.
Why do you think Robyn speaks that way? Furthermore, where do you think the accent comes from? Finally, let us know in the comments below and watch Sister Wives Sundays on TLC.
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It bothers me when pronunciations like “pitcher” vs “picture” bother other people. People like that display their own ignorance and poor understanding about how languages develop and change over time. As well as what a “prestige dialect” is. And just how arbitrary most of what we think of as correct grammer is.
Except that pitcher and picture are two different words and mean two entirely different things! Ignorance has nothing to do with it. if you don’t know the difference between a pitcher and a picture, there is no hope for you at all.
Haha true
this is all kinda mean ive noticed it like feel is fell. but no fan of robyn
me too Robyn want all for herself
You mean “grammar”? 😏
Are you also opposed to correct spelling?
I grew up in Arizona and have lived in Utah 30 years. Robyn’s accent and pronunciation is common common in both states. I would not attribute iy particularly to Mormons as I didn’t know of them uhtil es common in the esenntadulthoog and when I did, their accent was much different. I attribute it more to the “cowboy” culture of both states in the 40’s through 70’s in those areas
Who cares where accent comes from .
Robyn has the speech patterns of a lazy teenager. Her mental maturity is level with that same age group.
Maybe, she uneducated and has put no effort into improving herself.
I’m from Utah and say mountain funny too. I’m from central Utah, and I don’t sound exactly like her, I don’t think. I think her particular accent is more small town southern Utah thing. I also have friends from that area that speak similarly.
I’m wondering if she even finished school. She definitely needs to go to makeup school. Those eyebrows!
I agree on those paint by number eyebrows,!!!!!!
Our language in large part comes from what we heard and learned as children. It is possible she can’t tell the diffrence between pitcher or picture, maybe a developmental or hearing issue..
Both Kody and Robyn repeated, like several times in an episode, use “I’m not going to sit here and …” or “I’m sitting here…” When most of the time they are not sitting at all…I know it’s a figure of speech but it drives me nuts and sounds so low class.
Not a fan of her from the beginning. But I really don’t think the way she talked is not to far from other people. The uneducated ones are the people making fun of her. Grow up people.
Robyn is a phony and very conniving.
please don’t get me wrong. I am not a fan of Kody Brown. what we have to realize is he is a salesman. From day one of Sister Wives he has been selling us on the culture of plural families, and getting paid well to do so.
It was unclear in the beginning who worked and who stayed home. I always thought Kody, Meri and Janelle had jobs and Christine was home. Recent episodes indicate Christine did day duty w all of the kids then worked at night.
Also recently we found out that Christine has been asking for more emotional support from her husband since before Truly was born. Christine was honest with her feelings about Robyn joining the family from season one. Meri was looking for a bff sw, so she was pushing for the union. And I believe Janelle was neutral. She is independent and from what I see, her and Kody have always had a good volley when it came to communicating ( until COVID).
Kody is a salesman. He sold TLC on this culture because they have a very large family to support. Bringing Robyn into the family did two things. It made the show more interesting and it shattered an already fractured foundation.
I know people don’t like Robyn. It is easy to make her the villain, however I do believe her and Kody are well suited for each other. She is not responsible for his failures with his 3 other wives.
His lack of being present in those individual relationships is the reason for the breakdown of the family. You get out of a relationship what you put in. You see it with his wives and adult children.
and Truly……. my heart breaks most for her. she never had her time to shine in the big family picture and the moment Solomon was born Kody let this child fall thru the cracks.
Bottom line…… he sold TLC a vision, a lie. And his posturing on the show is his very big ego being pummeled by reality. He Failed
Beside her accent and constant crying. Robyn do not Abe eye contact when speaking. Her eyes are always focused upwards with a blank stare.
I remember that Robyn took a picture of her kids as bebies she already had. Then had Kody put in the picture as if he was there when they were babies. I thought at the time she was very arrogant to do that.
Kody is a egomaniac. He thinks he is so hot and smart. He can’t keep his wives happy and he is going to end up wit huh only Robyn and she is happy about that. She acts superior to the other wives. Mary is stupid to stay and Janell should leave too. Kody is a jerk!!
I never noticed her accent, but I’ll tell you it’s not a Mormon thing. I grew up Mormon. I’m guessing it’s where she’s from and raised that is accent she has. Janelle is much higher educated and Meri has been around many people. Christine is from another area of Utah. But someone really needs to step in and show Robyn a better way to do her eyebrows.
It is a Mormon thing ….I live here it’s Unique to that clan most definitely.
No it’s not lol. I’m not Mormon, not even American and can tell you there are people everywhere who speak as we would say “commonly”. It’s a sign of being uneducated without having developed good literacy. I’m Australian and people who had little schooling, live in the country or small towns and never leave, often speak the way Robyn does, different accent of course but similar words. It can also be from having developed lazy articulation, not having had to have good diction or simply those with a low end IQ.
please cancel this so fake show .This husband Cody is using theses stupid women.What do he do for a living? these women need too leave his crazy money hungry man..he doesn’t care for any of them.
Robyn is a homewrecking lying con artist who has gotten rid of all the wives one by one while pretending to be sad about it. I despise Robin the fake ass cryer. Meri is behind all the evil conniving too. You can tell Meri was not a fan of Christines and her and Robin connived to come between Christine and Kody. it’s all just sickening. Polygamy sucks and should remain illegal AF.