Kim Kardashian Has Fans Embarrassed For Her, What Now?

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Kim Kardashian is getting trolled HARD by fans of her reality TV family after an embarrassing exchange she shared with a waiter while out for a meal. It was during a recent episode of Hulu’s The Kardashians that Kim engaged in this awkward conversation. What happened in the scene that has fans trolling Kim so hard? Keep reading for the details.

Kim Kardashian has an embarrassing conversation with waiter

During a scene from a recent episode of The Kardashians, fans watch as Kim Kardashian enjoys a meal at a fancy restaurant in Milan, Italy. The beauty mogul ended up having what fans are describing as an awkward, cringy, and embarrassing conversation with the waiter. Turns out, the reality TV personality was a bit baffled about one of the items on the menu. And, she was hoping the waiter could explain to her what the item was.

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It was the word “tortellini” that left Kim Kardashian scratching her head. While browsing the menu, Kim proceeded to ask the waiter what that particular food item was. The waiter responded by comparing the food item to a ravioli noting they were both basically the same thing. Pasta stuffed with cheese. Naturally, this had some fans wondering exactly what is the difference between ravioli and tortellini.

The key difference between these two types of pasta is all about the shape. Tortellini is ring-shaped. It looks like a tiny croissant or a wonton. Ravioli, on the other hand, is always in the shape of a square.

Kim Kardashian/YouTube

The Kardashians fans were floored by this scene

On Reddit, fans could not wrap their minds around Kim Kardashian not knowing what tortellini was. The individual proceeded to ask if the family was really “simpletons” when it came to food.

Other fans of The Kardashians were quick to point out that Kim travels to Italy loads of times. So, they have a hard time understanding how it is even possible for her to not know what tortellini is.

Overall, fans felt secondhand embarrassment for Kim Kardashian at this moment. Some fans admit they hoped that scene was scripted and Kim’s knowledge of food wasn’t really this limited.

How do you feel about Kim Kardashian spending so much time in Italy and not knowing what tortellini is? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. And, keep coming back for more news on The Kardashians. 

Allie Johnson

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