Kylie Jenner Stresses Fans Out Because Of This

Kylie Jenner | Youtube

Kylie Jenner may have a lot of fans, but that doesn’t mean everyone loves everything about her. After filming and posting a TikTok, fans are letting her know how they really feel.

Kylie Jenner gets bashed on TikTok

Of course, not everyone is a fan of Kylie Jenner. However, some have more specific issues with her than others. This all started after posting a TikTok of herself picking out a bag for her outfit. She explains to viewers that she had planned an entire video for them to watch her get ready. However, she ‘lost’ the video. That’s what fans are noticing though. The Sun reports that fans are pointing out one annoying thing about her – her voice. Apparently, some find that she talks too slow while others just don’t like her voice at all.

Kylie Jenner | Youtube
Kylie Jenner | Youtube
  • “Why does she talk like that?” one fan asked.
  • “Can she speak faster than 0.5 speed?”
  • “It genuinely stresses me out how slow she talks.”
  • “I just can’t with her voice!”

Of course, Kylie isn’t responding to any of these comments. However, it will be interesting to see if she picks up the pace any when making these fun videos.

Watch on TikTok

Continued hate on TikTok

Overall, it seems Kylie just doesn’t do too well with TikToks in general. Not long ago she posted a video of herself and her sisters and fans instantly thought that she must be drunk or on drugs. Many even asked if she was okay in the comments of the video.

  • “I know the look. This is definitely the look when you are drunk.”
  • “Kylie looks out of it. Kendall and Kylie took the same thing whatever it was.”
  • “Kylie is definitely drunk. She’s trying to keep herself together.”

Later, Kylie actually had to clear things up letting everyone know that she was totally fine.

“Omg these comments,” she starts. “I’m not on drugs and I’m not on the verge of a breakdown. But thank u for your concern.”

Kylie Jenner from Youtube
Kylie Jenner from Youtube

There’s no telling what is going on with Kylie, but one thing is for sure, she is moving pretty slowly. Whether it’s her voice or how she acts in videos, it constantly seems that she is trying not to move too fast or mess up. Only time will tell if there’s anything wrong with the mom of 2.

What do you think about Kylie Jenner’s voice? Do you find it annoying? Or, are fans being too picky? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more updates on Kylie and all of her sisters.

Haley Cook

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