‘Big Brother’ Who Is Monte Actually Loyal To?

Big Brother is onto the final 3 and one of them will become the Season 24 winner. However, fans are curious about one thing, where exactly do Monte’s loyalties lie? Keep reading to find out what he’s been up to.
Warning: Big Brother 24 Spoilers Ahead!
Big Brother what is Monte doing?
Now that it’s down to just three houseguests left in the Big Brother house and less than 24 hours until the finale, fans are wondering what exactly Monte is going to do with his alliances. He has been in a final 2 with Turner for quite sometime. And, Turner has made it clear that he still stands by that.
However, Monte is also in a showmance with Taylor. While it has had it’s bumps in the road, Monte and Taylor have also just been friends throughout the game. So, naturally, it all comes down to who Monte will pick to go through a final 2 with.
Will he pick Turner?
Right now though, it seems that Monte may just be using Taylor. According to Big Brother Network, Monte had some pretty serious talks with Turner and based off of most of what he said to him, it’s looking like he will be sticking with him for final 2. Of course, this goes both ways and Turner will be taking Monte to the final 2. Considering they are the only two up for HOH this week, this seems like pretty bad news for Taylor.
At one point during the live feeds, Turner tells Monte that Taylor seems pretty upset. Monte responds saying that of course she is upset, she has no control over her fate anymore. If Brittany had stayed in the game, she could’ve overpowered the men. Based off of just this, it’s looking like Taylor will be getting third place tomorrow night.

Or, will he pick Taylor?
Despite all of this though, fans can’t count Taylor out just yet though because Monte is still lying to Turner just a little bit. He told Turner that he and Taylor hadn’t had any final 2 talks yet, leading Turner to believe that he is the only one that Monte would take. However, this isn’t true and the couple have talked about final 2 quite a few times. Right now, Monte is playing both sides of the house.
Is he going to win the whole thing?
Seeing as there is a 50/50 shot of Monte being the one to win the third and final part of the HOH comp, who he chooses to take to final 2 could make or break if he wins the game. Should he choose to take Taylor to the end, he could lose the jury vote because she has had a strong and difficult game and always pulled through.
However, Turner also poses a threat because he has been involved in almost all of the big moves that Monte has been involved in. Not to mention the formation of the all-powerful leftovers alliance that happened under his HOH. Despite all of this though, some still seemed convinced that Monte will walk away the Big Brother 24 winner. Do you agree with this?

All in all, it seems that there is still a lot up in the air when it comes to finale night. If Monte ends up winning the HOH then fans will be on the edge of their seat waiting to see who he takes in his final 2. On the other hand, if Turner wins, it seems likely Taylor will be exiting the house.
Who do you want to see in the final 2 tomorrow? Let us know in the comments below!
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