Adam Busby Says ‘Lord Help Us’ After Messing Up Big Time

Outdaughtered - Adam Busby - Youtube

“Lord help us,” Adam Busby declared in an Instagram post a few days ago after realizing he and his wife Danielle messed up big time! In the comments of his post, many OutDaughtered fans were quick to reassure him he wasn’t the only parent in that particular boat. What did Adam and Danielle mess up that fans found so relatable?

Adam and Danielle Busby mess up big time

The OutDaughtered father explained that the summer got away from them. They were so busy that they didn’t break up the back-to-school shopping like they normally would. So, Adam and Danielle were forced to take all of their children shopping for school supplies at the same time.

We have had so much going on lately trying to squeeze the last bit of fun out of our summer, that we have waited til the last minute to shop for all 6 kids back to school supplies…”

Adam Busby concluded his post saying, “Lord help us!” His post included a video of the girls assisting in shopping for their supplies. Adam reveals they hit up Target for all of their school supplies needs.

Danielle Busby - Instagram
Danielle Busby – Instagram

In the comments, fans wondered how many stores they had to hit to get what they needed. Other fans jested the “good parents” should be out of the way as they would have done their shopping weeks ago. Adam Busby doted on Target noting the store was amazing and they got everything they needed in a single shopping trip.

Does the school not offer supplies?

One OutDaughtered fan boasted they didn’t have to shop for school supplies because their school offers prepackaged supplies. Adam Busby jumped in and noted their schools also have that option. The family, however, was just so busy this summer that they completely missed the sign-up to get the prepackaged supplies. So, they had to do it in the old school way and go shopping with a list.

Adam Busby - Instagram
Adam Busby – Instagram

Many OutDaughtered fans thanked Adam for continuing to share these precious little windows into the lives of the girls. Unsurprisingly, there were also a lot of fans begging for information on when this family might return to television.

Did you find Adam Busby’s post on school shopping relatable? Do you think shopping with six children for things last minute is extra challenging? Let us know in the comments and keep coming back for all things Busby.

Allie Johnson

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