‘Big Brother’ Spoilers: Who Is On The Block This Week?

It’s another week in the Big Brother house which means it’s time for a new HOH and a new set of festie bestie nominees. Keep reading to see what is going on this week on Big Brother.
Warning: Big Brother 24 spoilers ahead!
Big Brother nominees and HOH
With every week of Big Brother comes someone new and in charge. This week, it seems that Michael has won the Head of Household competition meaning he is basically in charge of the house this week. This is great news for those in the leftovers alliance. However, it’s not so great for everyone opposing this semi-new alliance.
Of course, the leftovers have taken the house by storm. First, the backdoored Ameerah. Then, they shocked Daniel when they sent Nicole home instead of Taylor.
Seeing as Michael is in charge now, he gets to make all of the choices. Per Big Brother Network, the nomination ceremony just took place today. When the feeds turned back on it was revealed that a festie bestie trio is sitting on the block this week.
However, despite Indy and Alyssa being on the block last week, Michael opted for a different trio to take a seat in the eviction chair this week. He placed Monte, Joseph, and Terrance on the block.

Who is his target?
While it’s still early in the week, it seems that Michael’s target this week might be Monte. While it’s unusual for the HOH to put their target on the block right off the bat, he is known to win The Power of Veto. In fact, he’s won it three times so far.
Some fans took to Reddit to discuss what is going on.
“Monte going home is best case scenario, idc. Will explode the game right open,” one person says.
“Yeah Micheal seems to realllyyy be on board the evict Monte train…,” another says.

However, by the sounds of it, it seems that Kyle might actually be the one influencing Michael to lean towards voting Monte out – even though the three of them are in the same alliance.
“Kyle’s entire argument was that Monte’s past actions might dictate his future actions which could be bad for Kyle-Brit-Michael,” another fan explains.
At this point, it still seems pretty unclear as to who is going home and who is the target. It will be interesting to see how Michael handles his time as HOH.
Who do you think is going to go home this week? Let us know in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more news on all of your favorite Big Brother houseguests.
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