‘Big Brother’ Fans Furious At This Houseguest, Here’s Why

Big Brother fans are less than impressed by one of the houseguests currently in the house. After choosing a showmance over an alliance, they are saying he might have made the wrong choice.
What Showmance?
While it hasn’t aired on TV yet, it turns out that Kyle and Alyssa are getting pretty intimate. They were spotted together on the live feeds.
Right after it happened, fans hopped online to talk about what they just witnessed.
- “I’m sad about Kyle. He had such potential.”
- “Don’t judge me for thinking this but Alyssa has mentioned so many times her favorite player is Angela and I really think she’s trying to get the Angela showmance vibes”
- “So Kyle and Alyssa made out already. Great.”
This showmance didn’t actually come as a surprise because Alyssa had previously shared she was into Kyle. However, the whole situation is a bit confusing, because, after that, Kyle made it appear that he had no interest in a showmance and was only there to play the game. He must have gotten lonely and changed his mind!

Big Brother fans are mad
Of course, a showmance can’t come without a little drama from the fans. This time, it’s because Kyle is actually a part of the Leftovers alliance. This alliance is full of members of the house that were basically excluded from the cooler alliances. Hence the name, the leftovers.
This alliance is making power plays all the time it seems. After Pooch left the house, they ended up shocking the rest of the house by sending Ameerah home because she was the one that spearheaded Pooch leaving. Ameerah sat on the block with her festie bestie, Terrance. She was so certain he was going home, she didn’t even pack all of her stuff.

Now, that same alliance seems to be planning to also get Nicole out who is on the block with her festie bestie, Taylor. Nicole and her real friend, Daniel, both think that Taylor will be the one going home. Meanwhile, behind closed doors, the Leftovers are ready to send Nicole packing.
Now that Kyle and Alyssa are together, fans are pretty fearful for the future of the alliance. They are talking about it on Facebook.
“Kyle leaving the leftovers for Alyssa is a huge mistake,” one person writes.
Others join in agreeing saying the worst thing he could do is join a showmance.
“The worse think i think he could do was get into a showmance. He position himself so good before that.”
Do you think Big Brother Kyle is making the wrong choice? Let us know in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more on your favorite houseguests and all of the crazy choices they make.
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