‘Big Brother’ Houseguests Get Paid How Much To Be On The Show!?

Big Brother is a reality show that lasts all summer and requires houseguests to leave behind their lives and live in the BB house for weeks. Of course, during this time they aren’t able to work. That leaves fans with the question: how much are the houseguests getting paid if at all? Keep reading to find out what we know.
Do Big Brother houseguests get paid?
Reality TV can be confusing especially when the object of the show is to win money. Some may think that the Big Brother houseguests only get paid if they win the show. However, according to The Sun this isn’t true. The amount each houseguest gets paid varies depending on how long they stay in the game.
The base pay for the players is $1,000 a week. So, if they were to stay for three weeks they would get $3,000. However, there’s more to it than that. The winner of the game gets $500,000. Unfortunately, because of that hefty sum, they do not also get the $1,000 a week. However, $500,000 seems like a pretty fair trade.
The same goes for the runner-up who will win $50,000 and America’s choice who will win $25,000. Everyone else will receive that weekly stipend once they leave the game. This money is likely due to the fact that many houseguests will have to quit their jobs to spend that much time away. Apparently, the season is set to run for 82 days ending on September 25.

Who will win this season?
Of course, the winner of this season is still far from being predicted. There are still several houseguests and several different alliances working together and against each other to make it to the final two. However, this week has been exceptionally dramatic.
HOH Turner decided to throw out the original plan of sending Taylor home to backdoor Ameerah. Ameerah, of course, was the mastermind behind Pooch going home. While Ameerah still may think Terrance (her festie bestie) is the target, it seems that it will actually be her who is sent packing tonight.
The outcome of the eviction is still unknown, however, fans can tune in and view it live tonight during the live eviction episode!

Would you be in the Big Brother house for $1,000 a week? Let us know your thoughts in the comments. Come back for more on your favorite houseguests and don’t miss the live eviction tonight at 9 p.m. EST.
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