Gabby Windey, Rachel Recchia Share ‘Bachelorette’ Details Ahead Of Premiere

Rachel Recchia and Gabby Windey via YouTube

It’s almost time for another season of The Bachelorette. This one is going to be unlike any fans have ever seen before. There will be leads throughout the entire season. Both Rachel Recchia and Gabby Windey are looking for love after Clayton Echard left them broken-hearted. So, just ahead of the Monday night premiere, Gabby and Rachel are sharing what fans can expect to see. Keep reading find out more.

Bachelorette leads Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia share what fans can expect

Both of The Bachelorette leads stopped by Good Morning America to share some details about what fans can expect to see come Monday night. Bachelor Nation shared what the ladies had to say about their historic season together.

Gabby said Season 19 will begin with her and Rachel both dating 32 men. However, things will change at some point. She also points out that each of them is on their own journey and their stories will unfold as the season goes on.

Rachel added, “There are still roses involved, those are still there. But there are different twists and turns and will be different than what anyone has seen before, so we’re really excited.”

Will anything come between their friendship?

Many have wondered if having two leads in The Bachelorette will turn out to be a bad thing. Will Gabby and Rachel end up falling for the same guys?

Both girls say absolutely not. Gabby said, “Rachel and I have such a good friendship and great communication, so this experience just brought us so close together. We would never want to jeopardize our friendship, so having that foundation and respect for each other made it so no man would stand in our way.”

Two women sitting on a couch
Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia/Credit: Bachelor Nation YouTube

Rachel also added that there was never a point when they were pitted against each other. She said they have great communication and would never fall for a guy that would come between them.

Overall, Gabby said their season will be similar to those of the past. However, she said it was also new because there were two of them. She said there was a lot of flexibility and they had complete control of the driver’s seat.

Are you excited to tune in and watch Gabby and Rachel’s historic season of The Bachelorette? Do you think they will both find love on their journey?

Don’t miss this incredible season of The Bachelorette premiering Monday, July 11 on ABC.

Jamie Colclasure

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