‘MAFS Australia’: Fans Upset Over New Announcement

A lot of fans have been looking forward to watching MAFS Australia Season 9 continue on Lifetime. It has been airing every Wednesday night after the United States version of the show. However, it seems there may have been a change that fans were not aware of. They are not only unaware they are also furious with the network. Keep reading to find out more.
MAFS Australia fans in the United States not happy
Season 9 of MAFS Australia was heating up and fans were loving it. They especially loved it after many felt they suffered through Season 14 of the United States version. It was some good entertainment to look forward to on a Wednesday evening. However, that all changed this week.
The MAFS Lifetime Instagram page shared an announcement that has people really upset. The show announced that new episodes would apparently not be showing on Lifetime. The caption with the cover photo said, “New episodes of #MAFSAustralia now available every Wednesday on the Lifetime App, mylifetime.com and VOD 💖.”
Fans went to the comment section to share their anger and frustration over this sudden announcement. Many viewers noted searching and finding nothing on their cable including on-demand. They even noted nothing was scheduled for next week either. There were a few fans who said they could locate the show on-demand through their particular cable provider.
Fans communicate with one another noting how frustrated they all are. Some noted they couldn’t even find the new episode on the app. Many simply questioned why they would remove it from the network during the season without any warning.
Another fan said they only watch the Australian version and despised the United States version now. Someone else said, “Way to alienate your viewers. Brilliant.”
Others commented they think the United States version could take some notes from Australia and change their series up some.
Furious fans want an answer and they want their show back on cable television.
Live. Love. LOL. Take a look back at some of the funniest #MAFS moments from 2022! pic.twitter.com/ysbRMGPg6Q
— Married At First Sight (@MarriedAU) April 9, 2022
Ways to watch
One viewer suggested getting a VPN and watch NineNow using a non-U.S. email address. This option allows viewers to watch the airings in Sydney, Australia.
Of course, fans can also wait and hope the new episodes show up in a timely manner on the app. Or, maybe the network will sense their anger and return it to broadcasting. Fans will have to wait and see what happens.
In the meantime, Lifetime will be airing the Season 15 premiere of the United States version of Married at First Sight on July 6.
Are you upset the network took it off the air?
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I am absolutely upset over this change. No notice and even when searched for, the information was not readily available. I am very disappointed that Lifetime would expect me to finish watching this season on my cell phone. Just very poor customer service!
I am so upset , mafs Australia is my fave show!!! I would wait for Wednesday nights every week!!!
Mine too..I don’t even want to keep watching anything on lifetime..that’s messed up.
Yes, very upset about it. Clearly, Australia doesn’t care about their American viewers. Changing in the middle of a season is just plain bad business and bad attitude,
You should be ashamed! This is not how to run a network. Married at First Sight Australia is gone with no notice!
I was furious too since it was in the middle of the season and getting exciting! I don’t like the american version as well.
Totally agree…. The American version is very boring. They don’t have the weekly dinners, the experts weekly couch settings that help the couple’s navigate through crises interactions between couples. They spend way to much time on weddings and the couples before the weddings. I began waiting until couples head out for their group honeymoons. Of course, American versions send all couples to same resorts. Boring…,
We want mafs Australia, you advertised it and want it back. What a bad choice to pull it.
No, No , No to July 6th…it got too low class. Ghetto gamer Chris wit his babymama (BARF) was close, but this year scraped the bottom with Alyssa getting airtime. Remember, these EXPERTS chose these defective people. How is that possible?
Mafs Australia is a Great show, how could they just take it off the air right in the middle of the season & leave us hanging. I hope someone starts a petition.
I am furious!!! I look so forward to MAFS Australia! I have been searching the channels since last week wondering if it had moved. You do not promise and advertise a program and then pull the rug out from under it just as it was really heating up!! Bad business decision. Makes me want to stop watching Lifetime altogether because how many other shows are you going to do this to? Why even get interested!!
I know what you mean, I am furious too! It is so much better than ours! Come on Lifetime, fix this!!
MASF Australia is NOT REAL, it is, as they say AN EXPERIMENT. There is no marriage, it is all staged and their so called experts do not interact and see very little footage, only what happens at the dinners.
I am HAPPY this farce of a show is gone.
We enjoy the show, if you don’t then turn the channel as is your right. We have rights too.
I am very upset that Mafs Australia has been removed from Lifetime. Why, I enjoyed the show and have been watching since it began. Not happy!!
I am very frustrated, angry and ashamed of the lifetime network for cancelling its best show with best ratings ever, why don’t you pull off MAFS it is trash compared to MAFSA! I hope a petition does go around!!!!!!
I am very disappointed that MAFS Australia is no longer available. Why would you take a series off the air before it ended without giving any notice?! Terrible way to run a network.
What idiot made this stupid decision ? This is/was the only show on Lifetime worth my time. Will not be watching on my phone, TV, or IPAD.
Should have never moved it in the middle of the season! The idiot who made this decision needs to he fired!
I cannot believe you would take us through 16 episodes and just quit. Obviously you do not give a d….. about your viewers. I’m done with you. Why didn’t you tell us you were going to only take us half way through. And,..your replacement shows really leaves one speechless about your choice, shame on you!!!
We’re watching on Daily Motion.
Preposterous that Lifetime did this. The American version is garbage…& I appreciate the experts, but I suspect the producers put these garbage humans on for drama…but watching the poor souls that get matched with them is NOT entertaining.
Took forever to find Daily Motion which created more frustration towards Lifetime.
This is so unfair and you clearly don’t give a crap about your viewing audience. Who pulls a favorite show in the middle of the season with no explanation? Put MAFSA back on. Why did you make this decision? Where can we watch the remainder of season 9?
Whoever made this terrible decision should be fired! Very bad move and way to piss off all your viewers. Bring it back or prepare to lose viewers permanently.
I liked it better then the U.S. version, was so disappointed when it was gone, we want to know what happened to these couples. You are jerks taking it off.
I am totally disappointed as the Australia Version was much much better than the US! Please put it back on!
Who in their right mind would pull a show in the middle of the season??!!! Makes no sense whatsoever. Not watching Lifetime anymore unless they bring back the rest of the season ASAP!
Come on Lifetime MAFS AUSTRALIA has been the best show on your channel lately. Way better than MAFS USA. Listen to your Listeners. All of these MAFS USA, A look back at Boston shows really stink. Enough is enough of that. Do you really think you can attract us with such junk? We want our favorite show back on please!!
I think it stinks to take a show off just when it got started very disappointing in Lifetime
This is crazy! Why couldn’t you just finish the season! Lifetime just finish the season! Married at 1 st sight Australia so much better! Very disappointed 😢
Mafs austraila was the best show i couldn’t wait to watch it. Now you have taking it off for no reason but to show us over and over this years dumbest MAFS USA version. We want Australia back. For all the viewers let’s stop watching lifetime all together and see if that will help.
I am shocked that we can’t get an honest answer.friends are asking. I LOVE MAFS AUstralia. I prefer it to the US version. I was hooked. Love the format..better than our US version. The casting, and effort of casting is much more realistic and thoughtful. Just as I was getting into this season, poof, it was gone. What couldn’t the network been more upfront. What was the problem. It certain,y wasn’t for lack of viewer interest. Please put it back on.
We are so mad that they started showing it then take it off. I think this is bad judgment on lifetime account. You just lost a customer. Shame on you!
Can’t believe you took my favorite show. Please bring it back!!!! Customer service???? Really??? No notice????
I looked forward to watching Married at First Sight Australia. How could you just stop this program right in the middle of the season?! You should not even put it on if you were not going to complete season. Definitely better than the US version. Someone’s head should be on the chopping block at this network. That was a very stupid thing to do. It was the best thing on this network!
What the heck is wrong with you people? You just don’t drop a show midseason. Get it back on!
I live in the woods, we cannot stream any programming, I am really upset you took MAFS Australia off of lifetime, how dare you? So now we don’t get our favorite show, we don’t get to see the outcome! Instead you give us boring repeats of Boston, who wants to relive the worst season of all…Bring back Australia!!!
I can not believe you took this show off. I looked so forward to watching this every Wednesday. Why didn’t you take the US version off it’s getting to be lousy.
Please Bring Back!!! I love the format better than the American version so much fun to watch although still big fan of the American version too ! plus it’s absolutely wrong to take off the show especially when everyone was so looking forward to the next episode I had to watch little tiny clips on utube to see highlights but it’s just not the same as getting to watch the whole episode I love u lifetime and I have watched this network 4ever I hope u return the show and never do that to us again
I will not watch Married at first sight America. I am boycotting Lifetime. I waited patiently for this every week to Watch Married at first sight Australia. They take it off without notice or reason. Bye bye
I am extremely upset that MAFSA is not aired on TV, it was a great show and in many ways far more interesting than the US version.Please bring it back .
I’m totally pissed about this but more about the way it was handled. I do not use social media except for you tube. So the fact they announced this on IG is very disrespectful to the audience as a whole. I’m not just being dramatic. I actually contacted Lifetime months ago asking why new eps of MAFS Australia had not been aired (obviously before they started airing again). They couldn’t even bother responding. I got an auto reply that said nothing in answer to my question and then a link that took me to a page that also said nothing addressing MAFS A or my question. They clearly don’t give a crap about how we feel. After 2 weeks of not seeing the series I started googling last night and it was only then I found out I had to use the app. They could have easily announced this on their channel. How easy would that have been? So why didn’t they do it? All they want is traffic for their website and IG. I watched the two eps I missed and put mute on for the ads I was forced to watch. They can force us to go to their app but I’m not ever going to watch any of the ads. Which means I won’t buy any product and so hopefully companies will stop buying ads.
I hope the writer of this article will share our complaints with Lifetime. Someone with access to their PR or media dept. needs to give them our complaints. They can’t keep hiding from viewers and not respecting our part in this relationship. Without us they have no channel. The end.
I am so freaken pissed! Who the heck leaves us hanging I the middle of the show? I was upset when it didn’t air last week not knowing what happened and I get ready to see it on my DVR and there’s MAFS American version recapping the Boston show, I don’t care about that I was waiting to see what happens in the Australian one , y’all need to fix this!
It seems to me the BRILLIANT MIND that worked @ NBC & took Manifest off the air with a cliffhanger @ the end of Season 3, must now be working for Lifetime. All other shows on this station suck, so why have a well like/loved program on it? Buy it Netflix & I will watch it over on your platform. Enough is enough already.
I’m so upset that you took mafsa off with out any warning!! Why start something and not finish it!! What kind of network are you!! The American version is so lame compared to Australian!! It’s the best show lifetime has ever put out!! Now you pull it?? You’ve really made a disgrace of the network by doing that especially in the way you did it! Could have waited till the season was over!! Shame on you!! Done with Lifetime for Life!!
Agree with every other poster on this thread.!!!!!!
MAFS Australia has been watchable and enjoyable.
Unlike the forgettable US versions.
Disappointed in LMN.
Hoping you can and will restore this show poste haste.
Not exactly a strategy designed to retain or expand your customer base.
Not sure you ever want me to watch anything else on your network.
This is BS!!! Let us finish this season and then do whatever your greedy machine has to do. Leaving viewers in limbo is complete crap!!!
Shame on Lifetime Network! Why on earth would they stop airing in the middle of the season? Very disappointing!
Not sure why everyone, who posted, is upset. MAFS Australia is nothing like the US version. The US version is a legal marriage, the Australian version is an EXPERIMENT! No one is legally married, and the 3 people, who claim to be experts, do not interact with the couples, except for what they see at the dinner the night before. And they say if they want to stay or leave, not get a divorce. There is a couple or two who will create drama, that is for RATINGS.
If you want to watch the real thing, watch the US version. I am glad the Australian version is gone.
Guess what? The US version IS an experiment too…regardless if it is legally binding or not! Both versions are “produced” as well..which means that they need to create some sort of drama because that is what tunes people into watching…unfortunately. They may put couples together that may make it past the show, but we don’t know 100% if they also put couples together that they know will create some drama. If all the couples were perfect for each other from Day 1, everyone would start tuning out after 3 or 4 episodes because it would be boring. It is all about ratings and ad revenue..nothing more. You are entitled to your opinion, but the whole point of the article was how and why they pulled MAFS Australia off the main cable channel suddenly and only make it available through streaming apps. That would be poor judgment on Lifetime’s end if they just wanted to lift the number of hits there. If it was because of poor ratings…so be it…but I agree that they should have at least finished this season on the channel and if they wanted to pick up another season, THEN move it to the Lifetime app and start fresh there. I am annoyed they suddenly pulled it from the channel too because I was enjoying it like many others..regardless of the legality or the “reality” of it all…but at least I found it on the app now.
Regardless of the legality of the “marriages”, BOTH versions are an “experiment” and is said so throughout the season. But the point of this article pertains to why it was suddenly pulled from the main channel and now only available through the app (after signing up and indicating your cable provider) with no warning or advertising to those who only watch the main cable channel. If they pulled it for poor ratings, then so be it – but if they pulled it only to get more hits on their streaming apps, that is poor judgement…particularly in the middle of the season. They could’ve waited to move it to the app if they pick up another season of it and then advertise it on the main channel. Side note: both shows are “produced”, so they make pick couples who may actually make it through to the end and continue IRL, but we cannot be 100% sure that they don’t also pick couples who will make good drama as well. Drama = ratings, that is the way it is. If all the couples were perfect for each other from day one, viewers would be tuning out after 3 or 4 episodes because they would be bored. It is all about ratings and ad revenue…nothing more. You are entitled to your opinion of the show, but I was enjoying it too …and then they pulled this tactic. At least it didn’t disappear completely and can find on the app.
I have been searching for an explanation as to where/why this season was never finished. This is one of the stupidest decisions ever made. I really enjoyed this version of the experiment. Shame on you.
Bring back MAFS Australia. How can you just stop airing it in the middle of the season? 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬.
Dick move Lifetime! I even pay extra on my streaming service for your channel… Not anymore.
I love mafs Australia!!! Plz bring it back!! It’s my show that I wait for every week!
I like both USA and MAFSA versions and wondered why Australia hadn’t been airing. I thought maybe Covid had caused problems but finally looked tonight to find that the show was cancelled in the middle of the run. I like reality or unreality TV Recently Survivor Australia was pulled on another network midway through the season. Now I can’t even leave a comment without your stupid ads breaking in. Shame on you Lifetime. A very unprofessional way to run a business. You care more for your advertisers than your viewers. But you can’t have one without the other. Wise up!
The US so called experts, 1 of them do not even live with her husband. How can she be a so called marriage EXPERT when she does not. UGH!!!! This is also her 2nd marriage, what a marriage expert..DIVORCED and doesn’t even live with her 2nd husband
I like her but why don’t they have a psychologist not a sociologist. Clearly, the matchmaking is not very scientific and doesn’t have much depth to it. Maybe they don’t want good matches. I was so sick of Boston and upset about the loss of MASFS/Australia.
I do not know anyone that is not disappointed over this. We all enjoyed the show and I thought it was definitely better than the US version. It seems like the Australia producers are not interested in the US viewers and did not even have any consideration for what we thought. Have they affected other countries this way?
Hulu still has mafs Australia on demand. It doesn’t record anymore but I find it listed starting Thursday am. They introduce two episodes each week.
Who cares if you don’t like MAFS Australia? Really?? Just move along and watch your wrestling or something you prefer. These comments are for people who like the show and are disappointed with Lifetime! Let the people speak their minds.
I love mafs Australia!! It’s my fave and it’s just awful it has been taken off!!!! I looked forward to wed nights for this show it’s the best one! Please bring back!!
I’m extremely upset it was pulled from the air, enjoy it more than the US version, it was another great season too, been looking everywhere to try and find episodes, not happy with Lifetime whatsoever!
I am very upset with the decision to take this off the air MID SEASON. At least let us finish out the season and then move it to your streaming service. I am very unhappy with Lifetime!
I’m so PISSED OFF!!!!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
The USA version is trashy and low class. This should be the show Lifetime chose to pull. Not Australia!
My husband and I used to look forward to Wednesday nights to watch TV together but then all of a sudden POOF MAFS Australia is no longer recording & POOF gone when I searched for it! WTH kind of customer service is that? No warning, no explanation? Thankfully this article was published so that I could finally see that others are having the same issue. I was able to finally find episodes up to #22 on demand, but they weren’t visible a couple weeks ago! Bring back our FAV TV SHOW!! The US version could take a few notes & change things up a bit. Just my opinion🤷♀️
It is unconscionable to start showing MAFS AU then abruptly have it disappear and not even available elsewhere. If you start a season finish it. I read that people were concerned AU did not have sufficient diversity. So finish the season you started and encourage MAFS AU to introduce more diversity. AU is much more interesting than the US version. I am beyond disappointed and it turns me off Lifetime.
How can a Network stop showing a program before its conclusion if that program had not been canceled? My wife and I are very upset. We stopped watching the US Version three years ago. Now we don’t have any to watch. What idiot decided to stop airing this program on my cable provider? It was the only program on Lifetime that we watched. I guess Lifetime don’t want any viewers.
WTH! What programming genius came up with the decision to pull a show off in mid season? Your going to fire this dim wit and continue with the rest of it, right? I used to find the Liftime network quite entertaining, but I can live without it if this the way you treat your viewers! Byeee!