‘Seeking Sister Wife’ SPOILERS: Are The Merrifields Still With Roberta?


Seeking Sister Wife comes back in a few weeks. With that, two couples from Season 3 are returning, as well. The Merrifields are one of them and as of now, they appear very much in love. Yet fans are wondering what has happened to their potential sister wife Roberta. Here is where she currently stands.

The Merrifields Meet Roberta On Seeking Sister Wife 

When Garrick first got the calling from God that he should enter polygamy, his wife Dannielle needed to be convinced. She was not so sure this life was for her. Furthermore, the couple had been struggling for years so she did know how to handle bringing in a new woman. After she prayed on it for some time, Dannielle finally conceded that they would give it a try. The couple went on a polygamist website where they met Roberta from Brazil. They forged an instant connection and met up in Mexico for a family vacation. On the second night, Garrick proposed to Bert and a huge decision was made.


Back in America, Dannielle and Garrick got a divorce so he could marry Bert and bring her to America. They returned to Mexico so everyone could expand their love and plan the wedding. After Covid hit, Bert and Garrick decided to fast-track the relationship and go back to Mexico. This time, it was to conceive a baby even though Dannielle still dealt with a lot of jealousy issues. Garrick seemingly did not care and was going forward with whatever he wanted to do. Viewers stopped caring for him and hoped Dannielle would see the light. It looked like maybe she had until it was revealed the couple would be back for Season 4. Will Bert be with them?

What About Bert?

On Instagram, both Dannielle and Garrick posted a bevy of photos of the two of them throughout the years. They had tributes to one another and said how much they loved each other. This irked fans to no end especially since they’ve never posted together before. More so, fans had to ask about Roberta and if she is involved in the family. Dannielle said people will have to wait when she spoke on Instagram the other day. According to the first two episode breakdown, there is a lot more to the story.


In the premiere, the Merrifields have not seen Bert in over a year. Instead of waiting for her, they decide to seek out a new potential third wife. In the second episode, Garrick and Dannielle have started courting a woman named Lea. So it looks like this has gone well for them. Unfortunately, Roberta is not happy with their choice to move on with someone else. It will be interesting to see what happens with her in the long run.

Are you surprised that things have taken a turn in regards to Bert? Let us know and watch the season premiere of Seeking Sister Wife on June 6th on TLC. 

Amanda Lauren

One Comment

  1. Garrick is the worst. Once he saw Roberta in her bikini, that was all he needed. Sad that Danielle has to try to be like Roberta letting her boobs hang out. She never did that before – I guess she thinks she needs to show that she can be a sex object, too. She needs to just be herself. Garrick needs to stop with the tears and man up. If he had to pick, I’d say he’d pick Roberta because she’s the sex pot. Sickening that Danielle let herself get sucked into the backseat when it comes to Garrick.

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