‘Unexpected’ SPOILER: Where Does Kylen Have Her Baby?

Unexpected fans have not taken kindly to soon-to-be teen mother, Kylen Smith’s boyfriend, Jason Korpi. He is extremely controlling down to where he wants her to deliver their child. Kylen wanted it one way whereas Jason had completely opposing and selfish views. She has started to defer to him for everything and it has become over the top. Now, Starcasm can officially reveal where the birth occurred and who won the battle.
The Unexpected Birthing Battle
Kylen and Jason are preparing to welcome their first child to the world. Whether they are ready for such a huge commitment is yet to be seen. Many fans find Jason to be controlling and it is clear in the way she interacts with her parents. All they want to is be around their daughter during this monumental life experience. Furthermore, they want to be there when she welcomes their grandchild. Unfortunately, Jason has made this extremely complicated and uncomfortable. Add in the birthing plan and the drama further continues.
Kylen wants to have her baby in a hospital. For her first child, it is a much safer and more comfortable experience. However, Jason does not agree with this birthing plan. He would prefer she has a homebirth for a selfish reason. Jason is scared if Kylen goes to a hospital, he will be overlooked and won’t be a part of the process like with a homebirth. Her parents feel the hospital is the best bet especially since they will be able to support her during labor. In the end, it is up in the air as to who will win though it appeared Jason was the main decision-maker.
Whose Birthplan Wins?
Jason and Kylen did welcome their first son last August. Yet where he was actually born is the big question. According to Starcasm, baby boy Xavier was delivered in a…hospital. Though they had a third option which was a birthing center, it seems the hospital won out. As seen from the trailer, most of the birthing footage is shot by the couple themselves as it is such an intimate moment. It could also have to do with pandemic protocols. Kylen can be seen asking Jason to get her an epidural to ease the pain but he declines. If it does not go along with what he wants then he won’t participate.
He eventually gets escorted from the hospital for his behavior which is probably not the worst thing if he will cause more stress than good. Despite his behavior during a crucial moment, the couple is seemingly still together. According to Kylen’s Instagram, she has his name with a heart emoji right next to it. Her profile picture is of the couple while there are a handful of adorable posts of baby Xavier.
Are you happy but surprised Kylen’s birth plan won? Do you think she needs to ditch Jason and go be with her parents? Let us know and watch Unexpected Sundays on TLC.
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Someone needs to step into this situation! She is headed down a very dark road with this spoiled brat she calls her boyfriend. It’s already a sick situation that’s only going to get worse.
This is definitely a case of verbal and emotional abuse – Jason treats Kylen horribly. Not quite sure why she stays with a nasty boy like that. Her parents are devastated because Kylen no longer visits with them. Jason always says SHE needs to grow up and be an adult but he is living with HIS parents !! His father says that Jason swears at him and calls him names. They should tell him to leave the home and let’s see how grown up he is. Kylen – just go back home to your parents. Your parents need you – love you. Your father is dying of cancer – put him before your nasty boyfriend. Let your father have some happiness before he leaves this earth.
I hate to say that I’ve seen this before with my daughter. It took. Quite a few years for her to leave him. Thank God they never had a child together. He was very controlling and verbally and physically abusive. Kyle please go to your parents before something bad happens. You can’t change a person. They have to want to change. Your still young. Your dad needs you.
I actually got put in FB jail for commenting this kid needed a throat punch, but I will stand by that. Until you’re being split in half to push a while other human out of your body you can eff off about an epidural. This kid sure has a lot of opinions and is super inconsiderate and ignorant.
I was in an abusive relationship, and all I see is myself. They start with alienation from family, telling her when where and how. Its very disturbing to watch. My heart breaks for her parents. Her father being sick may not be here much longer and it is very disturbing to watch. I pray that the producers from this show step in and address this situation. Its just going to get worse when that little baby comes.
He’s an abuser. Typical narcissistic tendencies by manipulating and controlling everything she does and is alienating her from her family. Jason is a selfish little punk. Telling her that she should do a home birth and labor doesn’t hurt. He’s just a punk kid that needs an education because he’s beyond ignorant. He couldn’t even handle the fake baby. I hope she wakes the hell up and ditches the douchebag.
Jason is an idiot! That young girl has no idea what an idiot he truly is. I also feel for his parents. I’m sure they really tried to raise him right.Maybe being an only child has given him no empathy and some of the brains he seems to be lacking. Who knows? The one thing I think everyone knows is RUN KYLEN RUN as fast as you can! Save yourself and your child from this immature, selfish, self centered young boy! He definitely is not a man!
How old is Kylen? Couldn’t Her parents make her come back home if she’s under. Jason, has mental issues. He’s totally controlling her he has her phone, won’t let her visit her family, I hate to see what is next for this poor girl. Somebody needs to step in to help her.
Yep, I hope the hospital reported this whole thing to the services.
He says he doesn’t believe in drugs, yet he looks higher than a kite.
The baby is cute, I hope she lives with her folks now and tosses his can in jail.
Agreed! I am just watching the hot tub episode now and literally want to jump through my TV. Ugh smh. I have so much sympathy for this poor girl and what an ass he is. But I also just saw the preview that she’s still sitting right by his side. Maybe when she sees it and realizes he’s a horrible human.
His parents need to throw him and his ignorant selfish attitude out. Kylen needs to ho home to her Dad. She will regret choosing this monster over her dying Dad. Technically her parents make the rules not Jason. He shows no concern for Kylen”s safety or feelings. Strangers care more. I am sure he drinks alcohol smokes cigarettes and pot. But she should suffer and the baby should be in distress because of uneducated child Jason. CPS will be knocking at their door for the abuse I am sure. He is classic abusive narcissist.
I’m so glad Jason’s parents didn’t have anymore children! They say they are disappointed in him… reeeally… because, they should be disappointed in themselves! He calls his Mother the C Word and his Dad a Loser… Because they have allowed him to treat them that way!! I feel sorry for Kylen because she has no clue what she’s in for with that scumbag! He’s so young.. but yet so skilled at manipulating, and a abusive narcissist. Isolating her from her family and friends is abuse, he wants complete control of her. It’s sad.
Kyle needs to get away from this selfish brat now. Someone needs to put him in his place! Please go home to your parents. He is a loser. Take your baby and run your dad needs to spent time with you and Xavier before he dies! Get away from this piece of shit before he hurts you bad!
He acts like he is in a gang and he is so ugly. Please get away from this moron. He doesn’t care about you! He only cares about himself! He doesn’t want you to be with your parents but it’s ok to live with his? Go home sweetheart take your baby and run. Please
This is an absolute outrage! Okay to Mr and Mrs Jason’s parents, do you understand that your son is manipulating and mistreating and already insecure girl? I think the fact that you give in to your son and there seems to be zero consequences has now ventured over to that poor girl and her family. The fact that NOBODY HAS CONTACTED CHILDREN SERVICE, too at least VOICE CONCERNS REGARDING THESE (2) KIDS bringing precious life into an alarming situation is beyond me!! They lived in CANADA FACS WOULD BEEN INVOLVED THE MOMENT THE SECURITY KICKED OUT JASON FROM HOSPITAL!!! WOW
I was in years tonight watching Kylen go through all that terrible labor pain and that POS uncaring so-called boyfriend of hers saying all those despicable things to her and not “letting” her get the IV when the birth center ladies wanted to give them to her! And what’s up with not insisting on examining her ??? I am still so upset I can hardly stand it! And they let Kylen leave with no plan! They should shut the place down! If something bad had happened to her, they could be sued! How can she ever stay with an immature AH who keeps saying she’s not in pain WAH??? Kylen is too easy…she needs to grow a set! Mind you, I don’ t usually talk like this! Good luck, Kalen and baby! Jason or whoever he is, GTH! 😞
Yay!!! Perfectly said!
I meant *tears (not years)
I totally agree with everyone’s opinion of that punk kid Jason. If he was my kid….well, he would never be my kid bc my son is the sweetest kindest smart young man & I’ve always got compliments about him…his exs family still loves him, anyway, I seriously would b**** slap Jason into next year if I was around that little twat. I pray she gets the heck away from him BC he’s nothing but trouble.
Kylen needs to get away from.Jason . This little boy is A very Abusive person He is mentally with his mouth and he probably abuses her physically they just don’t show it . Hes probably putting his hands on her . He is not gonna make a good father . He is a narcissist and she needs to get away from him . Any person you’re with that tells you or won’t let you go see your family wants to control your life. I pray for this young mother.
As disturbing as this entire situation is on the whole, the real problem are Jason’s parents because they created this obnoxious, disrespectful, inconsiderate, rude, selfish brat and they not only continue to allow him to behave the way he does, they actually try to make themselves seem like victims who can’t control the problem they created. Not only is Jason (sadly) a cold, egotistical, non-compassionate, self-absorbed, lazy, entitled loser, his parents are just as bad, if not worse, because they are watching their son abuse/disrespect Kylen in THEIR home but all they ever say is “We’ve tried but he doesn’t listen”. I’m sorry but that is such BS, these 2 incompetent “parents” are cowards for allowing their son to bully them (and Kylen and her parents actually) the way he does, not to mention for sitting back and watching him become such a disturbing, heartless monster and menace to society. They had an obligation to Kylen to protect her once they agreed to have her live in their home and they are not doing that – it just goes to show where Jason got his selfishness from – his parents are acting like victims themselves. Kylen’s parents should NOT have allowed her to move out either, being that she is a minor so they need to stop whining about how they are “left out” – they need to step in, speak up, call who they have to, make waves if need be, whatever it takes to do their job as parents to protect their daughter and grandson. Bottom line is this: if Jason is already THIS arrogant and already openly expects to get his way at every turn “or else” and Kylen is already THIS submissive to him, it will only get worse and it will escalate from emotional and mental abuse to physical abuse very quickly. Additionally, when you couple that with the fact that not one of their 4 parents has the sense to step in and actually protect Kylen (and/or at least hold Jason accountable for his behavior), it’s a tragedy waiting to happen. Hopefully, the authorities step in and protect/remove the baby because Jason will have no hesitation in using him as a pawn to get his way – he has already proven that he has no conscience, no limits to his threats and his jealousy/need to be the center of attention is paramount. WAKE UP KYLEN – it will NEVER stop until YOU stop it and, pay attention, it’s only a matter of time before Jason will expect you to consider HIM (not the baby) to be your ONLY priority as well. Good luck.
Jason needs to be in jail. I bet he won’t be such a bully then & if so there’s someone badder then him. I pray Keylen goes home with her parents. I was so sadden to she her suffer because of his ignorance.
Sorry Kylen (correct spelling). And sad to “see” her suffer.
Dcfs needs to step in and parents what are y’all doing
He’s going to b hitting her before this is all said and done. He is a worthless piece of sh:: someone needs to save her.
I can’t believe tlc is allowing this to happen,this is a extremely sad situation this young Mom is in & nobody’s stepping up to protect her ,not even her Parents & his parents are worthless .there’s no way I would allow my Son to treat someone like that,she’s in pain begging him for permission to get pain relief,DFS needs to take that baby because she can’t even protect herself let alone a Baby
It is sick that this type of show is actually on TV these days with these kids allowed to treat each other the way these two do. To know an innocent baby is going to be added to this toxic mix, is even more sad. CPS needs to step in and educate this set of parents. Jason needs to wear one of those pain suits for the same amount of time she has been in labor with the pain level cranked up on it. Let’s see how really tough he is and how long he will endure.
Please TLC get this young women help before something really bad happened. This is a dangerous situation. Adding a baby to this toxic relationship is beyond concerning. Whenever this couple is on TV, it is hard to watch.
Kylan health for her and the baby was at risk with her high blood pressure she differently needed to be in the hospital
Is this the way his dad treats his wife. You learn it somewhere. He needs to have all his clothes not his toys thrown out on the curb and the locks changed. Him ruling the house is not acceptable.