Who Was The Worst ‘600-Lb. Life’ Patient Of All Time?

600-Lb. Life - Youtube/TLC

There have been some truly detestable characters who have appeared on My 600-Lb. Life over the last several seasons. Viewers recently hopped on an online poll shared via Reddit to vote on who the worst patient of all time was. Here’s what they had to say.

Rating The Worst Patients Of All Time

A poll posted to Reddit asked people to rate the worst patient that has appeared on My 600-Lb. Life. The list included 15 of the show’s previous featured patients. Mercedes Cephas’ name appeared at the bottom of the list, but no one voted for her as the worst patient of all time.

Cephas appeared in Season 7, Episode 18. When she was featured on the show she weighed 773 pounds. She was able to lose 81 pounds herself, but her doctor refused to move forward with surgery.

Commenters on Reddit also weighed in on who they thought was the worst of the worst. Many people commented they believed Penny Saeger was one of the worst 600-Lb. Life patients. During her time on the show, Saeger was only able to get her weight down to 495 and she completely disregarded everything Dr. Now had to say about her health.

600-Lb. Life - Youtube/The List

Credit: YouTube/The List

However, the name that continued to be brought up time and time again was Steven Assanti. “Steven. By a pretty wide margin. (See what I did there??),” one Redditor commented. ” I don’t think Steven should be on the poll lol, he’s like his own category 🤣,” another weighed in.

Is Steven Assanti The Worst ‘600-Lb. Life’ Patient We’ve Seen So Far?

When you click through to the poll posted to Reddit, Steven Assanti has been rated the worst 600-Lb. Life patient thus far. In fact, he won the “popularity contest” by a landslide. Assanti took 48% of the votes. Runner-up for the worst patient of all time, Penny Saeger, only received 14% of the votes.

600-Lb. Life - Youtube/The List

Credit: YouTube/The List

Assanti appeared in the last two episodes of the fifth season of My 600-Lb. Life. Prior to being on the TLC, Assanti was on Dr. Phil’s House of Hatred. He also tried gaining attention through a series of YouTube videos that never really took off.

Steven has gained the most popularity (if you can call it that) for his time on My 600-Lb. Life. He got the attention of TLC producers when he was on the local news for being kicked out of the hospital. Assanti was in prep for gastric bypass surgery and violated rules by ordering a pizza.

That same attitude carried over into the show. Honestly, Steven was an easy person to hate. He has an aggressive attitude, refused the doctor’s diet plans, and even threw toddler-style tantrums. Does all of that make him the worst 600-Lb. Life patient of all time? What do you think?

Amanda Blankenship

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