‘OutDaughtered’ Danielle Busby Shares Facial Deformity With Fans

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Despite presenting as a perfect mom and wife on both television and social media, Danielle Busby is just as human as everyone else. The OutDaughtered star took to her Instagram Stories yesterday to share some raw and real feelings with her 2 million followers. She kicked off her post by explaining that just like every other person on the planet, she has her own insecurities.

What is Adam Busby’s beautiful wife insecure about? Keep reading for all the details.


Danielle Busby dreads looking in the mirror

Despite fans constantly praising her for looking incredible and having a rocking body, Danielle Busby dreads looking in the mirror. She admits she even gets self-conscious seeing her face on the screen of her phone when she does videos for Instagram. Why is Danielle so self-conscious about her appearance? Well, she explained that too in a very long story on Instagram.


Danielle tells her Instagram followers that she was in an accident when she was a teenager. The accident caused her to bust up her lip really badly. It was bad enough that it required plastic surgery to fix it. Danielle Busby adds that years later she still has extra cartilage in one side of her lip. She explains it causes a bit of a bulge on one side of her lip. So, her lips are not symmetrical.

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She recognizes how silly the issue is

Now, Danielle Busby recognizes that most people looking at her face do not see this extra cartilage in her lips. Most fans can’t tell one side of her lip is bigger than the other. Most fans just think she looks beautiful. But, she sees it. She sees it every single time she looks in the mirror and every time she takes a photo or makes a video. It is there. Looking back at her.

outdaughtered danielle busby

Obsessing over this imperfection on her face, Danielle admits to her followers that she’s thought long and hard about what she should do or how she should fix it. She admits that getting it fixed is something she wants and needs to do for her own happiness. Not for the happiness or approval of anyone else.

Does it surprise you to know Danielle Busby is insecure about her appearance? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest on the Busby family.

Allie Johnson


  1. I have one eye that is a slightly different shape and size than they other. I try to compensate by adjusting how I apply eyeshadow and liner do it isn’t noticeable.

    I mentioned it to my doctor about five years ago, she said she hadn’t noticed all the times I’d been in the office. I mentioned it again during a visit this week – and five years since I first brought it to her attention. She still hadn’t noticed but did quantify my complaint by 1) saying I was doing a good job of hiding what I THOUGHT was noticeable and 2) asked what steps I would take if I felt I wanted to fix it and (I had no answer to that question) and 3) if I “fixed” it was I doing it for myself or for the sake of others – honestly, no one has ever mentioned my perceived deformity and I must be successful in ‘hiding’ what I thought was a ‘deformity’. Hmmm, case closed.

  2. We all see things wrong with our bodies. But that’s what makes us who we are. I could only wish I was half as beautiful as you. When are ya coming back on tv. We miss you all

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