Robyn Brown’s Pure Pettiness Shines In Latest Couch Interview?

The majority of Sister Wives fans do not seem to be very fond of Robyn Brown. Fans have also voiced they think she is Kody Brown’s favorite wife and also the pettiest of the wives. Now, it seems her pure pettiness shines through in her latest couch interview. What did Robyn have to say? Keep reading to find out more.
Robyn Brown’s pettiness shines through
In the latest preview for the upcoming episode of Sister Wives, Robyn Brown appears in a couch confessional discussing the competitive nature of their family. Throughout the confessional, Robyn seems petty with her remarks. She is referring to Ysabel and her spine surgery. It was noted that now Ysabel is taller than Kody. Many think Kody is bothered that his daughter now towers over him. Robyn’s over-the-top mannerisms were really on full display in this latest interview.
Hollywood Life shared what Robyn had to say in her couch interview. Robyn said the family is very competitive. She said, “There’s this weird thing that happens. I feel like a lot of the kids are very competitive and moms are competitive. I don’t know if it’s a polygamy thing or a sense of competition in the family that’s been fostered. I’m not really into it. So height is one of them. Height is one of the competitive points.”
At the end of the interview, Robyn seemed to fake a smile out. Fans do not believe she is sincere and is only interested in what benefits her and her marriage to Kody.
Many believe Robyn is to blame for the family breaking up. What do you think?
Kody and friction between his wives
There continues to be friction between his wives. In the episode airing Sunday night, the family is all still practicing social distancing. Christine admits she’s exhausted from taking care of Ysabel. Janelle offered to come and help her throughout the night. However, since Christine has to quarantine from traveling it’s not possible.
Everyone was upset with Kody for not accompanying Christine and Ysabel to New Jersey for her spinal surgery. The surgery corrected the curvature of her spine. So, she now has a straight spine and is taller than Kody.
At this point on the show, Christine has not left the family which everyone knows she did do in the coming months. Everyone wonders if Meri Brown will follow. Most fans seem to know Robyn and Kody have a special bond and it causes many problems within their polygamy lifestyle.
What do you think about Robyn and her pettiness? Don’t miss Sunday night’s episode of Sister Wives on TLC.
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Oh ooor robyn you get everything you deserve
I love the fact that Christin has seen threw all of this bs and she is a better person you can still be mom and dad without being with each other she is a strong person keep your head up christin
I dont care for Robin she gets everything she wants I guess kody has found his #1
My thoughts on kody Brown is he is no longer a polygamist. He is only with his legal wife.
I fell that once Robyn became the legal wife she felt she was the only true wife and it’s all about her and her kids. She has never made any effort to be a blended wife and did everything she could to undermine the other wives and children’s relationship with Cody. She forgets she was invited in by the true wife to be a spiritual wife, but Meri cared so much about the safety of her previous children that she divorced Cody so that Robyn’s kids could be safe. I think Robyn is behind the covid set up so she gets even more time alone with Kody. Not that Cody is this great catch…he should have been at his daughters surgery and proved even more what a loser he’s become. I think Meri would better off leaving Kody and the mess he created but refuses to fix
I completely agree with you. Robin is so selfish and self centered. She thinks Cody is hers alone. But who cares, Cody is a whiny little man. Who would want him. Good for Christine leaving him.
He should be ashamed of himself for not taking the time to quarantine and then go with his daughter for her surgery. He just proved what a strong hold Robin has on him and the spineless whimp he is.
I really wonder if Robyn didn’t make up some of the drama about her past to get Kody to marry her.
Agreed…. I was disgusted with Kody not attending that poor girls surgery when all she wanted was her Dad,s support.
But I do feel Robyn had her fair share of interference here, and if she was any kind of woman she should of insisted Kody went … all it showed to me is that Robyn will stoop to any level to be the only person that matters…. Very wrong of you Robyn…. I wonder if it had been your child and the shoe was on the other foot.? How would you of felt ?
Never liked Robyn, she is false, she is not the prettiest wife. Beauty is skin deep its what’s inside that is beautiful and she is not. Kody is also to blame about Christine leaving, between the 2 of them they got what they wanted. Is Mari next? She deserves some happiness, she made a huge sacrifice for Kody and Robyn and this is how they treat her. As for Janelle I admire her she is the most grounded wife and has an amazing head on her shoulders. Kody you still have 2 more wifes as well as Robyn make some effort you wimp.
Ahe is a female who doesn’t like to share. She never offers help to others or opens her door. She should of offered to watch Truely during all this. She should have at least offered Jennell and Savanah a place when they ended up in a camper. Yet their seen recently without mask and in Victoria’s Secret. A Woman who didn’t have gas money before yet now her kid’s need separate bedrooms! I think that Kody, and his entrance to Heaven with plural wives is gone. The other Three would stay in Utah, show life after Kody. They have been helping to pay for Robyn to have a damn Nanny! Get their part of the land as far as the value. Kody, all so had a granddaughter and her Parent’s going through so much. What, are Robyn’s kid’s doing? Staying in the big house and only that? Cancel this show.
Yes cancel this show, and give Meri her own show and Jennel her own show. Also give Christine her own show too!
Robyn is running the show. She and Kody are using the Pandemic to exclude the rest of Kody’s wives from his life. It backfired Robyn, children will always side with their Mom.
Kody now realizes that his wives and children do not worship him as the God that he fantasizes himself to be. Sorry it took all them to see what we all knew years ago.
I’m another person that doesn’t care for Robyn. I agree with most of you. Another reason I don’t care for her is any person who doesn’t like animals is Nota good person in my opinion.
I think sobbin Robin has been plotting this from the start. She’s in control with her passive aggressive behavior and all about Cody is bully until someone stands up to him. Christine has more brain and guts than the others, I hope Mary wises up and leaves him and the show.
Robyn’s the most two faced person. She is so ugly inside and out. I cant stand her. I fast forward padtvher all the time. They made a huge mistake bringing her in the family
She is definitely the problem.
Kody is an idiot and so are the women by thinking that “sharing” a spouse with 3 women and a boat load of kids will work forever. Who cares about blame. Polygamy only “works” for the man. The women are pawns in a chess game.
Robin has masterminded this entire situation. Covid for her was a huge blessing… She creates impossible rules for the other wives to follow KNOWING they will fail and she gets Kody 100% to herself. I’ve watched this from the beginning and will say I smell a rat. Kody is blinded by this and cannot see, or maybe just doesn’t care, what she’s doing. Shame shame…
I think Robyn is the least attractive of all the wives. And Cody is definitely no prize. He treats all the wives except very badly. It’s like now that he is in polygamy, he’s changed his mind. He wants only the younger one of the bunch. He thinks he’s some sort of God. Please, someone, cut that mop off his head.
They should cancel this show and come up with a spinoff called like My happy life after polygamy. With all Kody’s exes. No Robyn.
Kody not making the effort to be with Ysabel during her surgery, was the last straw! What kind of man does this? A wimp ruled by Robyn!
This show is done, it’s no longer a polygamist marriage it’s a monogamy.
Cody is not honoring his spiritual wives aging process. They need comfort and companionship. He is devoting his attention to his young wife and I really feel he is working on another wife addition.
I think so too. Hence the “nanny”.
I think cody is just a sperm donner and is no kind of father. That Robin is selfish and they deserve each other. The other wives are better off without Cody. The others need a show showing how they pick up thier lives and be mom and Dad to thier kids.
What is it with Robyn’s eyebrows??
Kody utterly spineless for not supporting Ysabel, broke my heart when she was calling for him post surgery. Wimp, complete sack of sh/t
Robin said she didn’t want to have her kids be away from Cody for 2 weeks. His daughter had major surgery that he should’ve been with her for. He told Christine her trip to NJ was a vacation. Seriously? Yosebel had to have major surgery without her dad. He really is an as_hat. I used to enjoy this show but now I find myself stunned at what is coming out of his mouth. Meri follows all the rules and the only one who can invite her is Robin and she doesn’t. Meri lives her life alone why? All of the wives should move on and leave him with her. Of course the wives depend on their kids. Janelle wouldn’t toss Gabriel who is trying to do the right thing. I think even if everyone followed all of the rules they still wouldn’t get together because they no longer trust each other. Christine looks amazing and happy. Yeah for her.