‘The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip’ S1 E2 Recap- 11/16

On the series premiere of The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip, the ladies were off to Turks and Caicos for eight days. It brings together Cynthia Bailey, Kenya Moore, Ramona Singer, Luann de Lesseps, Kyle Richards, Melissa Gorga, and Teresa Giudice. Because Kenya is in the process of a divorce, Cynthia proposed she get the master suite. However, Ramona loves to have the best room in the place. She agreed though but the women still struggle with Ramona’s sense of entitlement. Her “apologizer” moniker is serving her well.
At the same time, Melissa has discovered everything that has happened since they boarded the plane is on Twitter. The only common link is Kenya who vehemently denies she has anything to do with this. Will the culprit be revealed? It is time for day two in Turks.
What Happens On The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip Stays There
It’s day two and Luann is waking everyone up in the kitchen by flashing them. They don’t know what to make of it so they just go with it. The women were set to play tennis but Ramona has hijacked the lesson much to Melissa’s dismay. Luann tells her not to let Ramona intimidate her out of doing the things she wants to do. For Teresa, her now-fiance gave her a card for every day she is away so she is happy to read those.

Kenya is attempting to give Ramona a second chance. They are asking her about John, the bar owner, telling her to go for it. The more they talk to her, the more they realize it is Ramona’s world and they just live in it. She is off to play tennis, leaving Melissa behind because Melissa can’t play. Ramona says she will play for the first forty minutes and the others get it for the last twenty. Because she booked it, Ramona believes she is entitled to everything.
Teresa and Cynthia are bonding, realizing they do like each other a lot. Sadly, Teresa confesses she and Melissa are not in the best place. It goes back eight years to when they could not get along to save their lives. She never feels Melissa has her back. Teresa starts opening up about her marriage and how she resented Joe when her mom died. She felt she lost time with her and when she finally saw him in Italy, she didn’t feel anything. Cynthia has a lot of respect for her.
Off To The Catamaran
The ladies head to the Catamaran where Kenya and Melissa admit they have fallen in love with one another. They can party together so that’s where they connect. On the other side, Teresa and Ramona are bonding because they were both buyers for Macy’s. Suddenly, Ramona is changing her opinion of Teresa. Some of the ladies are holding their alcohol well while others feel the need to keep drinking. Luann is practicing her sobriety and says it is easy when she remembers the crazy things she has done drunk.

They start to talk about what they thought about each other prior to coming on the trip and how that has changed. Luann shares she has known Ramona for so long and she does take some getting used to. Ramona admits she Googled Kenya which can be dangerous because you get a preconceived notion of someone. Luanna tells a story about a man she was supposed to go on a date with who ended up Googling her but canceled when he saw she had been arrested. The topic of Tom and her divorce now comes up. Ramona excuses herself.
Teresa feels Ramona should stay, even if she heard the story a bunch of times. Luann admits she married her drinking buddy. Kenya understands what it is like to marry the bad guy. Ramona returns with lip gloss for everyone and is over it. They think she sounds self-centered and rude. She feels she was married for over twenty years and she is not sitting crying. Ramona also shares she is triggered because she dated Tom yet this was not acknowledged. They all separate to do their own thing.
Fun In The Water On The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip
Leaving the Ramona drama behind, Kyle and Luann go into the water while the others take some selfies and photos. Kyle and Cynthia are talking about marriage as Kyle has been married for twenty-five years. Cynthia, on the other hand, is a newlywed. She admits she was always reluctant to get married because she never wanted to settle. Then came the trust issues with the immersion of social media. She worried about girls sliding into her hubby’s DMS.

Kyle claims Mauricio does not know how to use social media so he did not even know he had all these DMs from ladies. Therefore, she was getting mad for no reason. On the way back to the villa, Kyle realizes she posted a random photo of herself. She has so much regret and now has to remedy this. At the villa, Ramona is giving herself a talk to be nice and keep her mouth shut. Is that possible?
Time for the Bailey Q where they will wear red or get read. There are also the shady awards and such. It should be interesting with these women. Kyle does not feel good naming each other the prettiest and smartest, especially in 2020. However, nothing can start until Kenya arrives and she is busy getting ready with three glam people. She finally shows up and agrees with Kyle that this might be a little cruel even though she has played this game. Cynthia feels betrayed and angry because Kenya grabs food while they have all been waiting.
And The Award Goes To…
Kenya asks if they can play Taboo instead. It is Cynthia’s night so they will do as she wishes. Kenya believes this game can fly in Atlanta but maybe not with these women. Ramona is asked who has the best butt. She thinks they all do but concedes Teresa does. Teresa would sleep with Lu, marry Cynthia, and kill Ramona. Who is the most disrespectful according to Lu? Ramona. Kyle’s biggest insecurity? Her body.
All of their insecurities are on the table. Melissa is scared to be alone, Cynthia was scared of being alone as was Kenya, Ramona has a low body image, Lu is scared she will have to grow old with Ramona. Cynthia was a little hurt by Kyle for taking the game a little too seriously. They move past that and it is awards time. Ramona gives Melissa the sweetest award. Melissa gives Kenya the smartest award. The biggest boss is Lu, funniest is Kyle, best butt goes to Ramona, most fashionable is Cynthia, best smile is Teresa, and sexiest is Melissa.
Cynthia gives them the option to the pettiest but it goes by the wayside and she is mad. Finally, Ramona hands down shadiest to Kenya. In their confessionals, both Kenya and Cynthia are over each other. Cynthia truly believed she had an ally and is seeing she was wrong. She accepts the petty award for herself. Kenya shades Cynthia’s potato salad and the women dance outside before bed.
The Real Housewives: Ultimate Girls Trip is streaming weekly on Peacock.