Jackson Duggar’s Latest Activity Leaves Fans Feeling Sick

Former 19 Kids & Counting and Counting On star Jackson Duggar has fans totally freaking out. His recent activity is coming out, including some of the disturbing details. N
ow, fans are commenting that they are disgusted by what the 17-year-old has done. Read on to get all of the details about his latest move and to see what fans have to say.

Jackson Duggar’s Latest Activity Revealed
It looks like Jackson has been pretty busy with something this fall. In a new Instagram post on Tuesday, the Duggar family revealed that Jackson has decided to try something new. They shared a photo of the teenager, as well as a caption describing his new activity. In the photo, Jackson is kneeling beside a buck that he shot and killed. It looks like he’s proud of himself. In the caption, his parents wrote:
“Jackson got a nice buck on Saturday, the opening day of gun season here in Arkansas! We’ve already enjoyed some of the meat from his harvest! Deer jerky is one of our favorites to make. Jackson is a good shot, and becoming a great cook, too! 👨🍳”

Counting On Fans Bothered By Recent Photo
In the comments section of the post, the family’s fans are talking about how disgusting it is that Jackson would pose beside a dead animal. Many of them think it’s gross. One calls it a “sad picture.” Some even claim that they are unfollowing the family in response to the post. The whole comments section is filled with people who are unhappy about the post and claiming that there’s no way the Duggars can actually be “pro-life” with this kind of content.
Hardly any of the comments on the post are positive, and it’s already being deemed a major PR mistake by the Duggar family. However, they haven’t offered any clarification or an explanation. At this point, it’s unlikely that they will share another post defending their actions or respond to comments to help fans settle down.
One fan speculates that they are posting about other controversial topics to distract from things like Josh Duggar’s arrest and upcoming trial. It’s unclear what they were actually trying to do by posting this photo, however.
So, what do you think of Jackson Duggar going hunting? Do these kinds of pictures sicken you, too? Let us know in the comments section below.
If you’d like to see the Duggar family’s latest updates, come back to TV Shows Ace.
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Only way that would bother me is if they killed the animal just for the joy of killing. But they are going to cook and eat the meat, Good job Jackson.
Awesome job , my whole family hunts. Deer jerky is the best ! Everybody complaining must be vegetarian. Just because you didn’t take a picture with the cow you just ate at a restaurant doesn’t make it any different.
If it’s the season and legal to do, what’s wrong with it? Have any of you been to a slaughter house? How do you think that the meat got to your plate or to the butchers for your bbq?
It’s easier to wear a blindfold or to not think about it until you add salt and pepper for taste.
We can also choose to not take part in any slaughter and go vegetarian, but will you?
I love meat but could never think of killing my food…It’s sad, period…but taste good. Thanks to people who can do this for me.
Exactly, Iagree 100%. This honestly has to be the dumbest article. For anyone who eats meat, an animal had to die to feed them.
it look like he loves to hunt and they are going to cook and eat the meat, what is wrong with that
I hate to see any animal killed. However, if the family is using the meat for food to feed their family, it’s more justified. People kill cows for Beef, pigs for sausage on the breakfast table.
That’s awsome that he’s into hunting for food for the family and not into drinking or drugs. Congratulations!
There is nothing wrong with hunting during hunting season. The family stated it was for food. Not a trophy hunt. So good for him!
If not for a trophy hunt…why take a pic like it is….if for food then hunt but don’t display like it is something more….isnt pride a sin?
There is nothing wrong with being proud of helping your family eat!! People buy nice cars just because they can afford them, not because they are practical for everyday driving! Have you ever tried driving a Corvette in the snow? It sucks, yet many people buy them in the upper Midwest and store them in the garage all winter and bring them back out in the spring to show them off!!
This young man has every right to show off his deer and show that he helping provide for his family!!!
Of course !! A” Karen ” would say
I am proud that my family have been successful farmers and ranchers that have hunted and fished for over 150 years in Texas. We pay a license to hunt and fish, and we follow the law. We are regulated as to when, where, quantity and size of what can be hunted or fished, and we eat what we kill ALWAYS. These laws benefit the survival of the species and regulate overpopulation or extinction of their food source and their predators. If you disagree don’t do it, but respect the environment.
Seriously you people who are so disgusted need to clean up your own lives and realize it’s called population control and it is necessary to keep the herd healthy. I have seen deer starve because there wasn’t enough food. Trust me that is a much harder death then this. Besides I’m guessing they will harvest this and eat it to provide for the family! So, tree huggers pull your head out!
Hey! I’m a Tree Higher, but I enjoy doing that only after having a tasty Porterhouse Steak. I love climbing them too.
It’s possible to have each foot in both worlds, lol.
People need to understand the reasons for hunting and population control. Until they’ve seen the horrors of what can happen to the more popular animals of the hunt, they won’t get it. Shooting them is way more ethical than what could happen to them out there.
Happy Holidays!
A responsible hunter does not hunt for sport and cares more about nature and animals than most people. I live in an area where deer are heavily over populated, hunting is very big fir that reason.
Argh Auto-Correct, “I’m a Tree Hugger…” not a “Tree Higher.” Unless your in a tree below at the time?
What’s so bad about killing a deer for food. THE BEST MEAT around is fresh wild meat. You know where it’s been eating and no crap fed to them. Eat what you kill Just like our ancestors. The only vegetarian then was the person who didn’t kill a deer, pig or Turkey. GO EAT A COW. Oh forgot you have to kill it before you eat. Good grief.
A lot of people post a picture with the deer they kill during hunting season. The Duggar are enjoying the meat from this so it wasn’t a joy kill it is putting food on the table. People need to stop badgering these people and look at their own life. Let them be.
Congratulations Jackson. Nothing wrong in hunting to feed your family. It’s been done since the beginning of time. All you people complaining need to find some other way to spend your time. Stop trying to add more to the story than what it actually is.
Congratulations on a nice buck , Jackson !
Coming from a large family(7) with one money earning parent growing up-we never went hungry because my family hunted, fished, gardened and harvested from nature to thrive! Nothing healthier than fresh venison-very low fat, no hormones, no antibiotics-and the jerky is delicious! Again a very healthy snack-pure protein!
Good for Jackson! My family freezer always contained venison. Our family of eight ate venison and other game year round.
I hope the people judging Jackson don’t eat a beef steak, a lamb chop, a bacon sandwich, roast pork or bacon and eggs – because if they do they are all hypocrites. He killed to feed his Family not for fun. Just like farmers do. I don’t think anyone in that Family can do anything good now because of what Josh has done. We shouldn’t judge everyone in a Family by one person’s evil action’s and decisions.
It makes me feel sad to see such a beautiful animal that moments before ran free, had a family and was alive. But…if WE eat meat, we are just as guilty of killing animals.
I don’t hunt and I’m intelligent enough to know that this is typical behavior when you kill an impressive buck or land a large catfish. My question is why would anyone expect “any clarification or an explanation,” to why the photo was posted when it’s pretty obvious. Even if your vegan or what have you, the food was grown in soil that was fertilized by ages and ages of dead animals populating the ground.
Just like the media to make a mountain out of a Molehill. He hunted a buck. So what? Is it because his last name is Duggar, that there’s a problem?? Nice kill kid!! Enjoy the meat!! Screw the media.
As I responded to someone else here my thought….. If not for a trophy hunt…why take a pic like it is….if for food then hunt but don’t display like it is something more….isnt pride a sin?
I personally don’t see a problem with the photo, and here are a few reasons why……
1. God put animals on the earth for us to enjoy, and have a consistent food supply. For those who like to hunt it may indeed be a way of life.
2. Well if you think this is animal cruelty, then I suggest next time to keep on scrolling and mind your own business.
Just because there’s a post doesn’t mean you have to read it.
I have often heard my dad say that he didn’t know what we would have done during the depression if he hadn’t gone out to hunt and fish for food. Do you critics eat fish, beef, pork et? They are killed for meat also.
Men have been taking pictures of their trophies since the dawn is time. Get over it. God put animals on the earth for man to eat. That’s their purpose.