History’s ‘Forged In Fire’ Auditioning For Next Season’s Competitors

History-forged in Fire-ps://www.instagram.com/p/CNpv3LJLUZE/

Forged In Fire is History’s successful metalworking reality series. Do you do some weapon-smithing at home?  Think you have the skills to compete in the next season of Forged In Fire? Here are the details on auditioning for the show.

How Can You Get On History’s Forged In Fire?

Are you known for crafting some pretty cool historical weaponry? Maybe it is time to compete against others in one of the most popular reality shows airing now, Forged In Fire.

Forged In Fire via YouTube
Forged In Fire via YouTube

Forged In Fire judge Doug Marcaida just posted on Facebook on how to get on the History show. The infographic that he posted shared all of the information a potential contestant would need.

At the top it read, “Now casting: Male & female competitors for History’s Forged In Fire!” Below the show’s and History’s logo, there are more details. “Currently searching for skilled blacksmiths, blacksmiths, and metal workers to forge iconic edge weapons from history!”

How do you contact them? That is the next information. “For more information or to speak with a Casting Producer, please email: CastingForgedinFire@gmail.com.”

Unfortunately, they have not revealed when they will start filming, or when they will air the upcoming season. However, they are getting ready to move forward. They likely are talking to people now, and they can plan to start filming sometime in the Winter or early Spring.

In addition, there is no information on the judges. Over the years, there has been some turnaround. However, the talent and experience of each and every judge are of a high level. They are as interesting as those competing.

Forged In Fire, History-https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=411356453683047&set=pcb.411356540349705
Forged In Fire, History-https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=411356453683047&set=pcb.411356540349705

How Can You Watch Earlier Seasons Of Forged In Fire?

Before you speak to that all-important Forged In Fire Casting Producer, you may want to catch a few seasons of the show to see what it is all about. Thankfully, at least one season is available on Netflix.

In addition, you can binge on over 100 episodes of the History series on Hulu. However, Amazon Prime is where you can see the most episodes.

What Is The Format Of The History Series?

In Forged In Fire, the contestants, typically four competitors, usually go through two rounds forging a knife of their choice. They have to present their knives to the judges. The judges look at the craftsmanship of the blade. After they carefully examine the workmanship, they determine who is best. The one with the lowest score gets sent home.

The remaining two competitors then go head-to-head. They create incredibly complicated weapons, most of which are historical in nature, like a Warhammer. They go in front of the judge and the winner gets a six-figure monetary prize. Not bad for doing what you love!

Georgia Makitalo


  1. I learned to forge from your show. My nephew said its harder than it looks and I wouldn’t be able to do it. He no longer says that. Now I want on the show to prove to him how wrong he was and to prove it was more than just a show. Its a learning tool. Please accept me to show what I know.

  2. For 5 years since I graduated for post secondary where I learned to weld, I have been studying and practicing metal fabrication, blacksmithing, metallurgy, and jewelry. I have put many of those skills together into creating some beautiful and fully functional weaponry. However I am still searching for an opportunity to take that to the next level either by finding an apprenticeship, or something else that could help raise my reputation or experience. Several people have mentioned that I should be on History’s Forged in fire, which I have also been a big fan of for so long.

  3. I’d like to test my skills with some of the crazy bad ass tools y’all have on the show. Only been forging for a few years but when the metal moves so do I. If that makes any sense to anyone. I’d definitely like to be picked for the show and if not I can still enjoy watching it every week.

  4. I would definitely like to show my skills at Forged in Fire. I am only 2 years into bladesmithing, but I learn something everyday in the forge. I am self taught because of the Covid Virus.

  5. Love the new History Channel TV ad for the show featuring Dave slashing a bunk bed set up down to one bed….I know he loves cutting up things with his swords, etc.

    Hey Dave, I have a tree that needs cutting down. C’mon over!

  6. I’ve been forging for many years. I’m a faithful watcher of forged in fire. I’d love to get on the show to challenge myself and challenge others as well.

  7. I would love to test my skills. I’ve been a blade smith for many years. I’d love to test my skills with other competitors. Even if I lose I’d still win because I made it there.

  8. The only thing you should look into is the strength test. Love the show but have been in mine maintenance and have seen all types of metal fragments in head and neck areas wish you would use full face shields in that test. Very good show .

  9. I want to apply as a contestant on Forged in Fire. Ive always loved blade making all my life. Forging is different. Ive done that fo 4 years and to make it on your show would be a dream come true.

  10. 22 year army national guard e7 retired. I have took up the hobby of makeing knives, and would love to be a competitor.

  11. I never done anything like that but am a fast learner and I been watching ya for a while now

  12. The Gladiator of the Forge was great. There was a clean sweep by an undefeated participant. During his second to last challenge he made a sword with a man-like handle that was lighter than his opponent and the difference in weight won the challenge for him. The challengers sword was heavy because he made his handle from brass to match the example sword. Should the judges have compared the weight of the competitors swords to the weight of the example sword? Seems like the heavy weight of the challengers sword would have been more correct giving him the victory and setting up a third tie breaking match.

  13. Been forging and learning for last six years. Was watching the show and said I can do that. So I can now still have a lot to learn but willing and ready.

    1. I have met the most interesting person this summer. He has an unbelievable talent. He makes knives, machetes, and daggers from iron, wood and even deer antlers. He has an artesian touch of flare to his creations. After viewing and examining a few of his products, I asked if he would be interested in being a contestant on Forge in Fire. He looked up and I saw the most amazing gesture. It seems it is a dream he has carried with him for quite some time. I would like to start the process for Chris to enter your show. He has amazing skill and a God given talent that may surpass all others.

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