New Photo Leaves Fans Deeply Concerned About Amy Halterman’s Son Gage

A new photo has fans deeply concerned about the safety and well-being of Amy Halterman’s son Gage.
The 1000-Lb. Sisters star took to Instagram to share a photo of herself for the first time in over a month. As we previously reported, the photo left her followers with a lot of questions. For starters, the photo and caption left fans thinking she might be pregnant with twins. Unfortunately, however, the photo also resulted in Amy catching some serious heat. 1000-Lb. Sisters fans were disturbed by how cluttered, filthy, and gross the room she was in looked. And, they were not shy about voicing their opinions in the comments of her post.
She’s no stranger to this type of attack
Now, we at TVShowsAce have spoken to Amy Halterman of 1000-Lb. Sisters a few different times. And, she’s told us she welcomes the feedback and advice of her followers. She noted it really didn’t bother her to get parenting advice because she was a new parent. As we’ve previously reported, Amy Halterman also isn’t a stranger to criticism regarding her housekeeping skills.
Some of the very first pictures of Gage Halterman were crucified by fans. They took issue with him sleeping on a dirty bed with stains and old food.

Amy Halterman has also been crucified for something as simple as a full or overflowing trash can in the background. Now, 1000-Lb. Sisters fans have no idea if Amy emptied the trash bag after taking her video or photo. But, seeing the full garbage can in the background was enough to set fans off.
Amy Halterman dragged for lack of cleaning
1000-Lb. Sisters fans made it clear they are horrified as they look over the recent photo Amy shared on Instagram. In the background, there are a few different tabletops. Each tabletop is cluttered completely with all sorts of different things on it. Paper, partially consumed beverage containers, and piles of clothing are visible as well as tons of other bottles and objects. 1000-Lb. Sisters fans can’t help but wonder how safe a home with so much clutter is going to be for Gage once he becomes completely mobile.

Fans flooded the comments with all sorts of opinions on the condition of her home. Many begged her to spend a little more time cleaning. Here’s some of what fans said regarding the mess:
- “House needs cleaned but CUTEEE”
- “Poor little guy surrounded by garbage”
- “agree. Baby is living in filth.”
One follower admitted they were terrified for Gage’s safety: “I’d be terrified of that baby putting something in his mouth that he finds laying around. It’s so incredibly dangerous & unsanitary. Some People act like keeping a house clean is some impossible expectation when in reality it’s one of the easiest things to do! I guess I don’t get it because I was never raised in an environment like that. We didn’t have much but we took care of what we did have. This is just gross.”
What did you think when you saw the photo Amy Halterman posted on Instagram? Were you as horrified as her followers were? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for the latest on the TLC star.
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Both of those women are disgusting. They use their weight as an excuse for EVERYTHING. Also it looks as though Amy has put ALL the weight she lost back on & then some. SAD You’d think she’d want better for her son than what she came from. Maybe it’s time for CPS to make a formal house call.
Have you tried being either of them, perhaps maybe they weren’t happy and they ate to make themselves feel better with less exercise, it’s not for us to judge another persons lifestyle choice
Exactly right! 👍
I agree and the house looks cluttered not nasty.
So true
I am surprised her doctors haven’t given Amy more advice on her weight. She is acting like she is doing great but she stopped loosing. I like her and Pray she will get the help she needs.
Don’t judge anyone unless you’ve walked a day in their shoes
Shame on you!! You don’t know what these women have been through. They are not for us to judge. The good lord as a place for people like you!!!!
There is no “God”. There’s also no heaven, hell, devils and angels.
Right on!
CPS Come the F on. She is trying to be a better mom. Stop picking on her. She not only takes care of gage but her fat ass lazy nasty sister Tammy who can’t even call in her own medication 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
If you can’t say something good then don’t say anything. They are trying
Tammy is not trying to help herself, she relies on everyone else to do for her. Tammy is lazy, nasty and looks like a pig and more than likely smells like one. I have no sympathy for someone who does not try to help themselves, she is a pitiful person and does not care if she lives or die, so make up your mind Tammy so your family can move on. which is it live or die??
Take your blinders off. Tammy now weighs pretty damn close to 700 pounds. She’s really knocking on death’s door right now. How the hell can you say “she’s trying”. What a joke of a comment you’ve posted.
She’s pregnant! Read!
Why in the world does CPS need to be called. Apparently there are millions of children living in drug houses with parents on drugs. Being mentality and physically abused. Gage is loved and he’s very healthy and happy.And Amy hasn’t gained all of her weight back.
Not everyone has a maid, nanny or housekeeper. And there’s nothing wrong with people living in their OWN germs. Of course there’s some mental issues going on because not everybody is sane and come from phenomenal backgrounds…And there has an episode about their mom not being the best caregiver mom. So giving the circumstances and what not, it’s pretty common. And as for cps, I’m sure if something was terribly wrong they would already been contacted.a dirty or messy house is no cause to alarm.
I love the show, and I guess you could even call me a fan, but I gotta say, both Amy and Tammy can afford to hire Someone to keep their homes clean. I’m a disabled, depressed, 70-year-old woman, and I think they could, and should get up off their lazy rear-ends and do some of the cleaning. themselves. 🌹🤠
No one in this dysfunctional family wants to lose weight. Not Chris, Amy & especially TAMMY! She screams, curses & fake cries when ANYONE broached the subject of weight loss. Her “boyfriend” has a fetish for morbidly obese women & is a total creep. And I highly doubt they clean their homes. I see a lot of filthy habits in the background. Poor Gage!!!
1st of all Chris has done everything he has been asked to do and just had the surgery. Amy lost alot of weight before having Gage n’ now is losing weight again. Tammy is never going to lose weight, I think she needs severe trauma therapy. I think Amy needs out of the dump she lives in because people can get depressed when a home is just to small.
After the trip to Gatlinburg i have no pity or regard for Tammy. The way she destroyed her whole families time, and made herself the center of attention was pathetic. Then to go back and play life or death with her alcohol escapades showed she only places value on her life when she is critical. No one should hold their family hostages, “help Me or see me die”, is unjustifiable
I will certainly keep them in my prayers and I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have always fix my hair put on make up dressed as well as possible and I’ve been blessed with three grown beautiful children and seven beautiful grandchildren. I pray that they will find it within themselves to better themselves in anyway that I can as I have a pray God gives him that strength.
I like to know why Amy isn’t on a diet,? She talks about her sister but she has no room to talk. Both houses need work. Her health is important so Gage has a mother in the future. She needs to clean her own house.
Hey Pam, maybe look inward. Stop being so judgy! Do you go to church? I don’t but I don’t judge people either! Get a life and looking side yourself to see what is wrong.
Hey, AMY has lost a lot of weight. She has gained a little back but, she is working on it again. People need to stop with the criticism and give her a chance.
These women are exploited. Tammy is alive just by the grace of God. Now that Amy has a child she is regressing to her old ways. By putting these women on TV in not doing them them any good
Everyone is cut from different cloths. Obviously there are serious problems within this family and it is not good.
I enjoy their show and would like for them to do better in their weight loss journey to successfully meet their goals. Therefore my prayers go out to them. Let’s try to focus some positive vibes rather than tear them down as they are already struggling.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
People in the entertainment industry seek out people like Amy and Tammy to exploit. Producers target certain types and boy did they hit a target with these two! Sadly the production team just does what it’s told. They pry even bring Tammy food. Just a tragic tale.
Tammy an Amy or grown ass women using the system to keep their personal lives going rather it’s using the baby..& Tammy needs to be totally removed bcz the bk an forth just ain’t hacking. it’s a new year so sorry for baby gage an pls let’s not even say another one coming ..bcz this child is growing up in danger to see that house an two over weight parents an a aunt.. hell somebody need to be finding God parents bcz neither will be here too long… Amen this is why I stop cable bullshit like this
Then stop watching-and commenting, or use spell check!
Quit worrying about what type of housekeeper Amy is. Someone should get in that SPOILED BRAT Tammy’s face and wash her mouth out with soap. SHE IS HER OWN WORST ENEMY. They should all quit giving in to her.
I liked her until all those filthy words come out of her mouth. I like the show. I watch every week. I’m over weight & it gives me incentive to loose. I think the show teaches on some levels. Tammy needs to go back to the fat farm. Amy has a lot of love for everyone & she worries about them. I don’t know what’s gonna happen to Tammy when Amy & her family moves.She is so dependant on Amy. I just love the new lady that has come into the show helping Tammy. She’s funny. At the time she is really good for Tammy if she would quit her awful attitude & listen to her. Bet she won’t stick around long.
Gage is very loved by his mommy and daddy. I agree that most of what you see is clutter. When you have a baby, there is a lot of clutter and toys. Leave her alone.
So quit watching…..
Find a show where they teach you not to bad mouth others. Watch toddlers and tiaras and then maybe….
Watch toddlers and tiaras and then maybe call cps
You’re kidding, right? That’s a joke, Toddler’s and Tiaras is a sick, sick, show.
Amy is busy taken care of her baby gage and her sister Tammy is more of a baby then gage can you imagine how long it would take Amy to wash all the fat and folds that Tammy has besides trying to clean both house and having time for her baby which you can see she loves with all her heart her life is busy
Oh please, Amy has three tiny rooms to clean. I’m not buying she’s too busy to throw trash out and do dishes because of one child. She had professionals in to show her how to organize and clean. She needs to take care of business. She’s always whining and crying she wants to do better for Gage when all she has to do is cleanup that filthy house. I’m tired of the excuses from both of them. Move your lazy asses..
Maybe she is lazy but I think she is depressed Maybe after she moves into clean bigger place and away from Tammy she will feel better.Instead of talking her down let’s give her support
I know, right❓️
Oh please, Amy has three tiny rooms to clean. I’m not buying she’s too busy to throw trash out and do dishes because of one child. She had professionals in to show her how to organize and clean. She needs to take care of business. She’s always whining and crying she wants to do better for Gage when all she has to do is cleanup that filthy house. I’m tired of the excuses from both of them. Move your lazy asses..
@Natalie: “Breathe not the sins of others so long as thou art a sinner.” Why waste a moment of your fleeting life in attempts to supervise poor Amy? Do something useful: Analyze your own faults and root them out. That’s how you can make this world a better place for your own family, friends and community. Always remember, the only person whose thoughts and deeds you can possibly control is… NATALIE!
Well Stop watching the show if you’re so tired of”this and that” !!!! I don’t believe anyone is holding a gun on you making you watch!!! As for Amy, she’s busy loving on Gage ❤️🐘she has wanted a baby for so long!!
They moved into their house didn’t they. Maybe they haven’t gotten all the boxes unpacked and stuff put up where it belongs. It’s a bigger house with more bedrooms and storage. But I can see it taking her a while to get it all unpacked and put away.
Then stop watching-and commenting, or use spell check!
I feel bad for Amy I know she wants to be a good Mother to Gage, I think she is Overwhelmed with the baby and their cramped living conditions. When the organizers came to help her and Michael clean and organize their house I think even Amy was shocked and overwhelmed at the amount of filth and trash they had accumulated. Someone just needs to teach her organization and cleaning skills. I know she wants a better life for Gage and Michael. I hope the can move to a bigger house now that they are having another baby! Depression is an illness and no matter how happy she says she is I believe she is Depressed. Look at her life, she takes care of her Sister whose only goal is Food and Sex and is jealous of what Amy has! I pray for this family! Chris and his wife are my Favorites! 😊
She needs to get some skills taught to her. I agree with you. It doesn’t make sense that no one has stepped up and offered to teach her.
I agree, takes so little to keep a house clean. As for Tammy, that little scene at the Vacation House was a nightmare. The family should of let her sleep in the Van and not give into her 1 inch. She is a spoiled brat
I agree Leave that fat lazy bi–h in the van. I was soooo angry when they drove her to a motel. She just wants to ruin their vacation cause her big fat a– can’t join in the fun.
Fucking lazy ass mfs…. tammy needs to loose the wide load and yall need to stop being an ass towards amy. She has to wipe down half a country DAILY and take care of a child!
I am happy Michael and Amy are moving into a bigger house. She needs to get away from Tammy because she is never going to lose weight. She wants everyone to feel sorry for her. Maybe if she becomes a ward of Kentucky she will lose weight. Michael and Amy keep Gage very clean and he is beautiful. I only wish you and Gage the best.
Didn’t Tammy say she had trouble breathing at that altitude? She probably felt miserable. Have some sympathy!
All I see in Tammy is a spoiled brat she wants everyone to take care of
her and don’t tell her what to do she treats her sister like garbage and calls her all kinds of names if I was in Amy’s shoes I would walk away from her and never look back
I feel Baby Gage will also be another statistic of Obesity. He’s obviously not being raised in a healthy eating environment. This makes me sad.
Carmen What do you know about his eating. Do you have a camera taping them every meal??? Good grief!!!!
Agree with you Carmen. Baby Gage looks like he may be getting a little too Chubby.
Obesity seems to run in this family and it’s sad to think of Gage having overweight problems when he grows up. I wonder if his pediatrician has cautioned Amy.
Tammy believes she is entitled to have
her family wrapped around her fingers,
In a recent episode she didn’t like the new
motorized wheelchair she would rather have
Chris and Michael breaking their backs
pushing her monstrous body around.This woman is ungrateful, nasty and manipulative and the best thing her family
could do is to stop fawning over Tammy
with her porcine facial features and an attitude that matches her outrageous body.She doesn’t even look like a human being.
Amy is a good mom. The hell she puts up with from Tammy is abuse
and she needs to focus on her family
I think people spend way too much time worrying about someone elses life instead of there own. She has admitted that she has a problem with her cleanliness of her home and the bugs in her home and she is making steps in the right direction to remedy the situation. The poor woman not only has to deal with her daily life but taking care of her grown ass sister. Moving into a new home and concentrating on her and her family is the best thing she can do and call CPS are you kidding me that’s not a place to call just because someone isn’t living there life and raising there kids the way you want them to its not your life nor is it your kids stay the fuck out of it worry about you and your kids. There are children being abused molested and really neglected that need the help of cps and do t get it because valuable resources are being tide up because someone can control someone elses life hell they probably cant control there own. Good job Amy you love Gage so much and everyone can tell keep doing what your doing and know there are people out here that care and are praying for you. Always here if you need a friend.
Amy is doing a great job as a Mom! Baby Gage appears to be a normal, VERY HAPPY lil boy! He’s always clean & always smiling! Glad they were able to move into a bigger home. They’ve remodeled it & it’s nice! I think she’ll be more apt to keep it clean because they have more room. And hopefully they will call an exterminator immediately! Clean houses have fewer bugs & mice! As far as Tammy is concerned, she has to want to lose weight for herself. She was really a trip when they went on vacation!! She has to be the center of attention ALL the time! She’s killing herself with food! I used to work in a dialysis unit. We had a lady that came in well over 800 lbs. She was a professor! She would lay in bed & watch the Food Channels on TV! She died about 2 months later! 😞 Your body is not designed to carry all that fat. Tammy has alot of problems & needs to see a therapist to release all her problems. If not, I don’t imagine she’s got much time left on this earth! Oh, and another thing, her mouth! She spits out some horrible things! Best of Luck to Both these Ladies!!
Amy needs to step up her game. Get on a diet and stick with it no matter what. You Amy, have a bright future if you just make a few changes. Clean up your home, if not for any other reason, do it for Gage and his safety. Get cute bins/baskets to hold your table clutter. Get all medicine bottles out of reach and put up in a cabinet!!!!!!
Tammy, the best thing that can happen to you is to become a ward of the state. Your only other option is death.
First, Why is Amy gaining weight again and being hard on Tammy and secondly why isn’t CPS involved or being called this is a safety risk gage can be hurt if this house garbage comes crashing down. Child safety is a problem! Regardless of how much money she is making on this show or YouTube. Child safety can’t be bought off… come one you all over in Kentucky step up pay attention child welfare do your jobs gage needs protection.
Carmen What do you know about his eating. Do you have a camera taping them every meal??? Good grief!!!!
Sadly Tammy will die. She is mentally challenged and makes poor choices with food, men, and friends. It’s easy for others to judge. Her family sees her future, yet are not equipped to handle her denial. I think Tammy just chooses to die having false happiness. Sadly it won’t be long .
Wouldn’t it be great to see her get healthy ,lose weight ,find a real man , and find real happiness. This show could have such a happy ending. 🙏🙏
TLC used to be The Learning Channel,hmmm,what are we supposed to learn???!?? Selling our souls and do scripted episodes to make a MEASLY BUCK??? Exploiting people who would die to get their 15 minutes???? #Too Large,#1000lb.sisters#90 day CRAP,….Doesn’t anyone have any pride anymore????? Guess not,and TLC is raking it in💰💰💰💰💰No conscience at their headquarters!!!!!
TLC should invest for them a new bed and bedding. Possibly new furniture. I believe Amy deserves to have something new to feel good about.
I do not watch this show. What little bit I have seen during commercials is a disgrace. TLC is doing nothing but using this family for the money. Putting people’s lives out there for people to look down their noses at. It is disgusting that everyone can judge them. Does everyone live in glass houses? Everytime you point your finger at someone, you have 3 pointing back at yourself! Make sure you are living a perfect life before you start judging. This family needs more help than with just weight loss!!
It was concerning about the roaches running on the wall and in the cabinets. Amongst the garbage all over. I hope for her to get therapy. She said they were never taught how to keep a house so hopefully she gets the knowledge. The application is not hard.
Yes! You are so Right, Shirley! That girl needs to get a life, and leave her siblings’ life’s alone. 💯👌 🌹🤠