Matt Bomer Gets Candid: Gay Roles Were Once Career Suicide

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White Collar alum Matt Bomer is a homosexual in real life. But, stepping into a gay role for a TV show or movie? It once carried a pretty heavy stigma. And, it was something most actors were not willing to do for the sake of their career. Regardless of how they felt about the homosexual community. Sadly, this was true even if they were a member of the homosexual community.

Matt Bomer recently appeared on The Kelly Clarkson Show

The episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show kicked off with Kelly showing a short clip from the new Netflix film starring Matt Bomer called The Boys In The Band. Kelly and Matt did not meet in person. Matt Bomer was dressed up like a 90’s sitcom for the interview. And, Kelly was here for it.

According to Matt, 50 years ago, it took true bravery for an actor to take on the role of a gay character. This was especially true if the actor was gay in real life. But, either way it ended up being career suicide. Now, 50 years later it doesn’t hurt your career to step into a gay role.

Kelly Clarkson described the progression the film offered as a “beautiful thing.” And, she was really happy to have the time to sit down and talk with Matt Bomer about it.

What is The Boys in the Band About?

Boys in the Band is actually a play that was written by Matt Crowley back in the 60’s. The play tells the story of a group of gay men coming together for a birthday party in New York City. The play was a pretty controversial deal back in the 60’s when it hit Broadway. Why? Well, because as it was discussed during the interview, being a gay man during the 1960’s was dangerous.

The Netflix film is technically a remake of a film from 1970 based on the play from 1968.

One thing that is really unique and interesting about this film is Matt Bomer is far from the only openly gay member of the cast. The entire cast consists of openly gay men including the director and the producers.

What do Netflix subscribers think about the movie?

In response to the video of Kelly Clarkson’s interview, there were not too many comments. So, we turned to Twitter to see what some were saying about the movie. And, for the most part, the responses seemed to be pretty positive.

Now, there were some complaints. But, they had little to do with sexuality. Some people just admittedly didn’t care for the personalities of some of the characters.

So, have you checked out Matt Bomer’s new movie on Netflix yet? Sound off in the comments about it.


Allie Johnson

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