Kailyn Lowry Of ‘Teen Mom 2’ Gets Into Twitter Fight With Former Co-Star Jenelle Evans

Kailyn Lowry, Instagram

Twitter is a hot spot for reality television stars to throw down. It’s no different for Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans of Teen Mom 2. Recently they got into a disagreement on Twitter because Kailyn Lowry offered some advice to Evans ex-husband, Courtland Rogers.

According to US Weekly, the fight started when Lowry tweeted back to Courtland. In a tweet that he has since deleted, he wrote he wanted to divorce his wife, Lindsey. Talk about airing all your dirty laundry!

How Did Kailyn Lowry Get Into It With Jenelle?

Kailyn Lowry wanted to help so she responded to his post. She said, “before you do this, think about why.” She said ask if you can work it out and don’t give up to move on quickly. Lowry said, “you will eventually struggle in the next relationship so cherish what you have.”

She went on to say she knew she was being a hypocrite having divorced her husband. Courtland replied to her with thanks saying he was pleased to see a tweet trying to keep them together and not tear them apart.

Jenelle Evans’ ex-fiance Nathan Griffith responded to Lowry’s helpful tweet. He said, “Kail really?! Why get involved with an ex that obviously gets under @PBandJenelley_1 skin? You don’t want the drama but then you egg on the drama.” Griffith said he knew Jenelle had done some stuff to her, but she’s just keeping it going at this point.


Then Jenelle Got Involved In The Drama

After this tweet, Jenelle had to put her two cents in back to Kailyn Lowry saying, “anything for attention.” Lowry said, “this has absolutely nothing to do with Jenelle.” Even Courtland responded to Griffith telling him he had no business in him and Kail’s conversation. He said who are you to give advice and told him to worry about his own life.

Nathan Griffith responded that he would pray for him the way he, “justified this ‘innocent’ reach out for help.” He said, “educate yourself before speaking as if you’re a person incapable of critical thinking or thinking everyone else is dumb besides u.” It surprised fans that Griffith came to Janelle’s defense after the intense custody battle they had not too long ago. They seem to have reached a point in their co-parent relationship where they can be civil. No doubt the feud between Kailyn Lowry and her former co-star isn’t over.

Emily Walker

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